You gotta be kidding!

by RR 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • RR

    Just checked out the site. guess what the main article is? Yep Child Molestation


    here's a little snippet

    He Cried Out for Help
    "PLEA to Jehovah Halts Molester's Attack on Youth," declared a headline in the U.S. newspaper The Arizona Republic, on May 5, 1993. The alleged molester abducted the 13-year-old youth at gunpoint, taking him to the perpetrator's apartment. When the youth cried out, "Jehovah, help me!" the molester was shaken and let the boy go free. The police later apprehended the man.

    While calling upon Jehovah's name is certainly appropriate under such circumstances, it does not mean that God's servants will be free from attack in these critical "last days." (2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13) Christian parents must therefore train their children to be cautious with all strangers, regardless of apparent authority.

    There you go. The reason ALL of you abuse victims were abused by JW's is because you didn't cry out for Jehovah. And if that didn't work, don't blame Jehovah, blame your parents. HAH!
  • Elsewhere

    Too little, too late.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Fredhall


    Why not? It's ok for Bill Bowen to post his infromation on his site. Why not the WT?

  • accuracy

    Fair enough, Fred. And the article is nearly 9 years old, so it does not seem that the WTS has just started to speak out against pedophilia. The problem, though, is that the WTS needs to better confront and root out this pernicious infestation among their own members.

  • Fredhall


    Maybe the WTS have rooted out molesters before.

  • detective

    Anybody live in AZ that can get a copy of the article? I'd be interested to see it because newspapers don't usually use the word "Jehovah".

  • Bodhisattva
    Christian parents must therefore train their children to be cautious with all strangers, regardless of apparent authority.

    Encouraging kids to be cautious around the Presiding Overseer of a certain Montgomery County, PA congregation might help as well. Hello! If it were mostly strangers doing this, they would be caught like this man was. It is becuase they are not strangers that their "apparent authority" allows them to repeatedly rape many children.

  • Stephanus
    Maybe the WTS have rooted out molesters before.

    In Australian slang that's a very unfortunate turn of phrase, Fred!

  • puppylove

    what the writers seem to be forgetting is that those doing the abusing are not "strangers".

    most of the time is someone known and considered a friend of the family.

  • out4good3
    Christian parents must therefore train their children to be cautious with all strangers, regardless of apparent authority.

    Let's get this straight. Just what is a kid to do. Out of one side of JW's mouth you're constantly admonished to respect the authority and go along with the "fine arrangement" of the elder body so carefully picked, with holy spirit of course. Out of the other side of the mouth you say be cautious of all strangers, regardless of apparent authority.

    Just how is a kid supposed to make this determination of friend or foe when all in the hall are called friends, brothers, and sisters?

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