See . Be sure to read Timelines 1 & 2 which include some interesting documents. Jason doesn't seem to realize that the course he has chosen has placed him completely at odds with the WTS. As much as he hates to admit it, he has become the thing he despises apostate. Even the government officials seem to view him as a nut. Now he's added the local police and the District Attorney to his lawsuit, all but insuring it will never go before a jury.
Jason Cobb's posts documents on Internet
by Rufus T. Firefly 15 Replies latest jw friends
Gypsy Sam
Is this guy still not on here?
a watcher
Mr. Cobb made a mountain out of a molehill and that mountain buried him. He should have just stepped aside as an Elder and continued to serve Jehovah as a publisher. I would have never given up Jehovah over a situation like this.
Watcher - Seriously ? You think giving up the teachings and doctrines
of the Watchtower, and the rules of eight mortal men who elevate themselves
to a position of "mediator" by claiming to be the sole channel of communication
between mankind and God, is "giving up Jehovah" Jehovah hates the Watchtower
and he hates the so called non Biblical "Governing Body" because they ARE
the "Man of Lawlessness" and you make yourself anti-Christ by associating
with them and following them. Awake oh sleeper and rise from the dead.
Watcher must be trolling. It has to be a bit. He/she can't possibly believe that an organization that blatantly lies about and covers up it's past, is really and truly God's approved organization? You know in your gut it's not. God is a God of TRUTH. TRUTH doesn't change does it? does not.
Jason will in time realise that what Jesus said really is true: by their fruits you will get to know they are not who they claim to be.
Rufus T. Firefly
'a watcher' is correct from the JW point of view. JWs believe that Watchtower law supercedes the laws of the land, so Jason should have just held on to his documents, kept quiet and let the whole scheme play out. But I agree with all the other comments, too. Jason still believes the corruption is isolated, not systemic. Jesus said, "A good tree cannot produce worthless fruit. . . By their fruits you will recognize those men." The actions of the GB reflect Jesus' description of the evil slave.
I feel sorry for Jason, he obviously thinks that the Governing Body will disfellowship the ones commiting the fraud, but it's likely the fraud goes all the way to the top. He still has faith Jehovah will sort out the problem.
I do hope all this wakes him up soon, he is suffering a lot of cognitive dissonance which is evident from his post and needs some relief from the problems on the RBC he is facing.
Kate xx
JWs believe that Watchtower law supercedes the laws of the land, so Jason should have just held on to his documents, kept quiet and let the whole scheme play out.
Not currently accurate, I'm afraid. From 1929 to 1962 Romans 13:1,2 was twisted into that "understanding" which made Jehovah and Jesus
the Superior Authorities. This caused a great many unnecessary confrontations between JW's and governmental authority leading to imprisonment,
persecution, torture and death. J.F.Rutherford is the man who screwed the German brothers and forced them into Nazi camps.
Since 1962, the year of the flip-flop back to the old/correct "understanding" the Witnesses don't have a scriptural leg to stand on.
Governments, according to this scripture, DO HAVE THE RIGHT to expect obedience, compliance and support.
Island Man
You want to know what I think? I think Jason Cobbs is fully aware that the issue is an organizational one and not just a few corrupt individuals in positions of authority. I think he is just pretending to believe that the organization is innocent so that the organization can't take any legal actions against him and/or to avoid being disfellowshipped for apostasy. He's taking the position of surrepticiously exposing the orgnization as corrupt while pretending to be a loyal member. When you really think about it, his position puts the organization in a difficult position. Can they claim he's an apostate trying to discredit the organization? No . . . well, at least not without painting themselves as bad guys. How would it look if the organization moves against a member who is exposing the wrongs of individuals while being loyal to the organization?
I think he's pretending to be a loyal deluded JW who has stumbled onto corruption but can't bring himself to accept that it is at the organization level. By doing so he puts the organization is a difficult spotlight for not acting against the corrupt individuals. In this way he indirectly shines light on the fact that it is in fact that organization that is at fault - all the while pretending to be this naive, organization-loyal JW.