I do plan on sharing my story. I started with something as simple as Girl Scout cookies because I feel as though it represents the "tip of the iceberg".
Yes, I am married to a JW and we have kids who are very aware of their surroundings. Any annocement now could upset the apple cart. I agree with you, no need to bombard the spouse with my latest revelations just yet. I have been reading posts on this site for the last six months. I finally got the courage to join and ultimately make a personal post. I still have much independent studying to do. I have looked at a few sites very briefly, however I've spent most of my time reading posts here trying to figure out a proper exit plan.
Yes I am lookiing for assistance with an exit plan. I don't believe in re-inventing the wheel and I am sure there are a number of folks posting to this site who can provide me great advice.
I look forward to the encouragement.
Thanks all (This is much harder than I thought it was going to be!)