What do you love about being a JW?

by FL_Panthers 80 Replies latest jw friends


    I loved being raised as an honest person who cared about others. Oh, wait...all my "wordly" family is just the same. Ummm.. I liked feeling guilty all the time and having no path in life. Getting married young and slaving for the Borg was nice too.

  • Comatose

    I loved the judging that I got to give people who went to the KH with me. Depending on what you wore or how you did your hair, depending on your parts or service time, depending on your studying habits I got to judge you. I was so good at critically labeling people. I miss that.

  • humbled

    I loved learning that any religion that had a man (or better yet, a COMMITTEE of 8 men) telling you what the Bible REALLY says is a racket and a snare.

  • BluesBrother

    Of course he is yanking our chain! Call him a troll if you like but I say why not? The ironic humour is so obvious that we might as well have fun with it.

    Me? I used to love the conviction that we were right. We were so certain about everything, from the "signs of the times" to the efficacy of blood treatment and the moral rights and wrongs of every issue..Man, we were special ! We were God's own people, chosen for a special work.....

    Except we weren't , were we? Just deluded fools ....Doh!

  • Xanthippe

    That special feeling just seemed to have passed me by. I just never felt good enough. Maybe it's a y chromosome thing in a patriarchal religion.


    Good morning Miz!..


    Try not to get kicked off the forum again..LOL!!..

    ...............................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • snowbird

    LOL @ Outlaw.

    Miz, are you being bad again?



    Hey (((Sylvia!)))..

    ........................................ photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • nugget

    You don't love being a JW you endure it.

  • villagegirl

    Bugbear- the "International Brotherhood" experience is not special to the WT.

    Seventh Day Adventists, Mennonotes, Evangelical Churches, Pentacostals,

    and many many other groups have this international brotherhood and recieve

    each other and help each other. Church groups go on "Missions" and build

    villages and put in wells, and work helping communities all over the world.

    What is difficult for many exiting and ex JW's is getting over the " US and Them"

    mentality and coming down off the "high horse" and joining humanity.

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