Observations About Today's WT Study

by piztjw 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • piztjw

    I made the following observations about today's WT study:

    Par. 5 Jesus inspected, refined, and cleansed his followers between 1914-1919. So IF they were cleansed why were they still celebrating Christmas and birthdays, something they now claim to be unclean?

    Par. 6 Jesus then appointed a "faithful and discreet: slave. Only thing was THEY didn't know it. The wholesome spiritual food changed every few years. What was wholesome became "poisonous" and what was bad food suddenly was good for you. Since 1919 a small group of annointed brothers carried out the responsibility..." Not true! It has only been since the Big Eight in New York decided they were the only ones to be worthy of being the FDS. Prior to that it was the entire group of remaining annointed ones who made up the composite "slave". I wonder how many JW's actually caught THAT provable flip-flop?

    Par. 11 Footnote:December 1, 2998 WT examples of legal victories in various countries. This was to prove that Jesus disciples have protection in their ministry. But what about the legal setbacks and failures. No mention of the other side of the coin! Using only selected, mined, "facts" can prove nearly any subject under the sun.

    Par 13. Consider what the Messianic King has accomplished during the FIRST 100 years of his reign. Using WT "logic" the term FIRST 100 years implies there will EVIDENTLY be a SECOND or THIRD hundred years prior to the Big A.

    Par 14 The time for this to happen is very near. It's just around the corner. The only thing is that there is no corner. Just one big circle!

    Just a few of the things I noticed before I had enough and walked out.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Convenient avoidance of, and re-wording of the Bible Students' (via Russell) teachings and beliefs in paragraph 3 - "The Bible Students spent decades pointing out that the year 1914 would be significant."

    NO - The Bible Students spent decades telling everyone that Christ had become king in 1874, and 1914 would see the rapture and the end of wickedness on the earth!!

    Any HQ Writing staff lurking here? Do you actually know what the word 'deception' means?

    Doesn't your conscience boot you up your rear end, trying to waken you up to what is real truth?

    I genuinely believe that many (if not most) members of the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants are already struggling to cope with all the flip-flops, contradictions, and downright lies.

    My heart goes out to them, because I appreciate the terrible cost they will pay if they "come out".

    And who can they trust & talk to? Many of us here - either openly or via P.Ms.

  • prologos

    par. 6 prior to that it was Rutherford, then Franz with their frazzled, rudimentary meandering minds that cooked up the food.

    the 'remnant CLASS= fafds' idea was only a cover-up to placate the masses.

  • Oubliette

    piztjw, Great observations and analysis.

    No mention of the other side of the coin!

    This is a common technique and an identifying mark of propaganda: only present one side of an issue.

  • EndofMysteries

    "during the first 100 years of his reign" - is not his reign supposed to be 1,000 years? Is not his reign supposed to begin when ALL anointed are with him in heaven? If so, then either A. there are no anointed left and the GB are imposters (they are no matter what but if all were in heaven then there could be none on earth) or B. his reign hasn't begun yet, nobody has been appointed over anything.

  • piztjw

    @The Searcher

    I noticed that too. The way it is written though gives them wiggle room to make the claim that what was written bothe then and now is true. Technically it may be. However, the deception enters in when they forget to mention the totallity of their claims about 1874 and 1914, and the way what they write is phrased. It is kind of like if someone were to accuse me of taking issue with some of what the WT$ orders are presently. I could say, "I do?" or "I do." Same exact words, but they WAY they are said changes the meaning entirely to fit WHAT point I am making at the time.

  • prologos

    there is also obfuscation about the 'Messianic kingdom'. what is that? the obscure kingdom that is supposed to have started invisibly, effectlessly in 1914? or is it the generic kingdom 1914 until armageddon and then another 1000 years?

    is the 'messianic kingom' the paradise earth? or

    " ruling now? or both?

    100 year of rule, really only by organisational changes? did that not happen since pentecost. the kingdom of the son of his love? Col. 1:13?

    if you can believe the late centuries bible writers. what this article amounts to is:

    Kingdom of God = wt instructions.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Par. 5 Jesus inspected, refined, and cleansed his followers between 1914-1919. So IF they were cleansed why were they still celebrating Christmas and birthdays, something they now claim to be unclean?


    And, these are the reasons Jesus allegedly had Rutherfraud and other WT directors imprisoned- to teach them a lesson for dabbling in "Babylonish" practices. Funny thing is, Jesus then let them out of prison WITHOUT CHANGING OR DISCARDING A SINGLE DOCTRINE, the very doctrines he disciplined them for practicing !! And, many of these were not changed for years....

    As The Searcher pointed out, WT didn't even have the "correct" understanding of the date for Jesus' return or enthronement as king (1874 and 1878). So, why exactly would Jesus choose the WT over any of the other goofy religions of the time, like the Adventists? Hell, the 1874 date came from the Adventists, not Russell (he didn't accept that date until 1876...double epic failure).

    Jesus seems rather confused (according to WT rhetoric).

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Talk about observations! I thought WT has all along taught that it was Jesus who was empowered, enthroned, installed or otherwise became King in 1914!

    Why then does the first review question on page 12 under 'CAN YOU ANSWER?' ask ....'How did Jehovah become King in 1914.....?'

  • leaving_quietly

    Today's WT was outrageous in so many respects.

    par. 9: "Following this pattern today, Jesus sees to it that all who share in the Kingdom-preaching work receive instructions and have the tools the need to preach effectively. (2 Tim 3:17)"

    Can anyone spot the problem with this statement?

    par 3: No less than 6 verses refute Jesus being enthroned as King in 1914.

    Matt 28:18 - all authority in heaven and earth (spoken after his resurrection)

    1 Tim 6:15 - he IS King of those who rule as kings (not "will be King")

    Rev 1:5 - the Ruler of the kings of the earth (described as Jesus is introduced to John)

    Heb 5:9 - And after he had been made perfect (the footnote in the NWT reference bible on the word "perfect" says: "Or, “after he had been inaugurated (installed; empowered; consecrated to office).” Gr., te·lei·o·theis′. See Le 21:10 ftn. Compare Le 8:33 ftn.")

    Eph 1:20 - which he exercised toward Christ when he raised him up from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places,

    Rev 3:21 - To the one who conquers I will grant to sit down with me on my throne, just as I conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne.

    How they can possibly keep on about Jesus being enthroned in 1914 is beyond my ability to grasp.

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