So glad I won't be there.
2014 District Convention Symposium - "What Must Be Kept In Second Place". - wow, unbelievable......
by EndofMysteries 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
and these talks delivered by people that are extremely well taken care off, financially secure, beyond day to day anxieties, successful in the world.
Well it's very understandable prologos. The GB have noticed the money isn't flowing in as much anymore as the cost of living has gone up. They deserve to continue flying first class, and having a first class life with everything taken care of for them. Heaven forbid things got even worse that they had to ever do actual work and take care of themselves. It makes perfect sense that they should make sure the millions of followers are giving everything possible and obeying them instead.
Designer Stubble
So Health is supposed to be on the second place and nothing to be concerned about. However on Sunday morning the talk focusses on a perfect health in the new system, which is the carrot. Doesn't really add up.
I've stated for years that the GB only has one way to go; tighten their grip on the r&f. They may lose some peripheral members who cannot bear up under the pressure, but that's fine. Fewer more devoted members is better than a large group that wriggles in their grasp.
I don't think the Governing Body is interested in growing numbers. I think they're more interested in whittling and winnowing.
Think about it;
- 7 million Jehovah's Witnesses, 50% of whom (random figure) aren't really die-hards and are more interested in being socialites than Bethelites
- 3 million Jehovah's Witnesses who have proven their loyalty to 'mother' by sticking with the Governing Body, no matter what they're told to do
Which is more easier to control or extract 'donations' from?
Most dubs have realized that the GB serves baloney and completely ignores their counsel. I know many elders that have gotten higher education (secretly of course) tend to their businesses, travel, have nice cars and homes. They preach 2 hrs every saturday and attend 70% of meetings and no one bothers them.
If any JW takes the counsel of the GB seriously they wouldnt have a life at all and would be leeches living off welfare and food stamps and judging others who are truly balanced.
Simply summed up.
Give all your money to the WBT$!
They never give do they.
Worship the gb
give us your money
enjoying your life dispeases Jehovah
do what we tell you
do not think
LOL, I don't know who actually pays attention during these talks- all the older JWs I know are going on cruise ships, and jetting off around the world- their priorities are enjoying life, right now. I just hope the younger ones learn from their fine example, LOL.