The Govering Body are always right. They are so humble!
2014 District Convention Key Talks
by EndofMysteries 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I intend to take notes on the cult programming just to see how far the GB are going to push their propaganda this year. Social drinking will be at our hotel after the assembly and never in public and a good time to talk to wifey.
Someone ban Fl Panthers...
Dismissing servant
Ha ha. it's nice to have him here. That little one-liner tells a lot
OK, he's got cold feet, but du you really think he think's they are so humble. But maybe it's humble to be Gods own self-proclaimed spokesmen?
Maybe it's humbleto demand of people to always obey?
I'm sure our panther knows better that that,.......but the AA (Armageddon Anxiety) can be overwhelming...and feet can be cold.
Play some ice-hockey and enjoy life, Panter....