Mmm well I can't see any news items yet about it but there may be, people do like to send photos in to newspapers. It was three hours after sunset so I don't know what caused it but very pretty pink/red clouds.
Red clouds in the Uk
by Xanthippe 14 Replies latest jw friends
It's Planet X, or global warming, or chemtrails, or Nibiru or whatever other doomsday fear scenario tilts your scales.
Not looking at doomsday scenarios, I was looking at the stars. My garden is particularly free of light pollution and good for amateur astronomers.
Would have been great if you had posted a pic. I have seen a red sky at night before, but only once it was over 20yrs ago. I was living in North Western NSW at the time. Had just gone outside for some fresh air at about 9:30pm and was surprised to see that the sky/clouds was red. I haven't seen anything like that except on that one occassion.
oneyeopen, I didn't take a pic because I can't seem to post my photos from photobucket on here anymore, it's all changed.
Prologos I hadn't heard of the green flash, thanks for that.
Kaik yeah the concensus online seems to be that odd coloured clouds are due to pollution.
Very chuffed (Midland Brit saying) that so many people, nearly 900 views, are interested in beautiful natural phenomena.
I think cloud formations can be very beautiful, lots of examples online.
Regarding beautiful natural phenomena once as a child walking home from school in a thunder storm I saw ball lightning hovering above a house, it was amazing.