Today my oldest daughter attended her first birthday party ever for one of her best friends at school. We actually crashed because we didn't get an official invite or even an email, but it ended up working out and the mom was happy to have us there. Yay!
The ride home after the party was the most interesting part. She timidly asked me, "Mami, why do you say that the Witnesses don't have everything right?"
I responded, "Well, it's because they hide a lot of things from people and don't tell the whole truth, and some of the things they teach is wrong."
"I was thinking... I don't understand why holidays or birthdays are bad. I mean, people are just celebrating how many years someone is alive. And nothing is wrong with that! I went to my Lizzie's party today and all we did was have fun. Nothing bad happened! It was nice."
Then she reasoned further...
"And Christmas. I mean, most people don't even celebrate the religious part of it. It's just fun! Decorating a tree, the food, hanging out with your family. It's all just fun and nice!"
(Notice she didn't mention the presents even considering she celebrated her first Christmas this year with a TON of presents )
And she reasoned further...
"And Valentine's Day! It's just saying 'I love you!'"
However, what impressed me the most was this comment because it reveals EXACTLY what happens once one stops attending the meetings...
"You know, before I didn't get a chance to think about anything and I felt guilty about eating a doughnut for somebody's birthday. I had to think to myself, 'I'm only eating a doughnut, there's nothing wrong with that.' And now I have the chance to reason and I see that a lot of the things that they say just don't make any sense. I'm getting to see now what it's like to be a normal kid.
Mami, do you think they were lying to us? That everything they taught us were lies?"
I started tearing up. I told her that once she is older we can get into some of the reasons why I decided to not go back to the meetings and do some research together.
My daughter is open to the opportunity to be a normal kid (whereas before she resisted so much), and she is finally enjoying it all. She has let go of the Watchtower world. I am so happy.