*** it-2 pp. 393-394 Michael ***
Scriptural evidence indicates that the name Michael applied to God’s Son before he left heaven to become Jesus Christ and also after his return. Michael is the only one said to be “the archangel,” meaning “chief angel,” or “principal angel.” The term occurs in the Bible only in the singular. This seems to imply that there is but one whom God has designated chief, or head, of the angelic host. At 1 Thessalonians 4:16 the voice of the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ is described as being that of an archangel, suggesting that he is, in fact, himself the archangel. This text depicts him as descending from heaven with “a commanding call.” It is only logical, therefore, that the voice expressing this commanding call be described by a word that would not diminish or detract from the great authority that Christ Jesus now has as King of kings and Lord of lords. (Mt 28:18; Re 17:14) If the designation “archangel” applied, not to Jesus Christ, but to other angels, then the reference to “an archangel’s voice” would not be appropriate. In that case it would be describing a voice of lesser authority than that of the Son of God.
In his prehuman existence Jesus was called “the Word.” (Joh 1:1) He also had the personal name Michael. By retaining the name Jesus after his resurrection (Ac 9:5), “the Word” shows that he is identical with the Son of God on earth. His resuming his heavenly name Michael and his title (or name) “The Word of God” (Re 19:13) ties him in with his prehuman existence. The very name Michael, asking as it does, “Who Is Like God?” points to the fact that Jehovah God is without like, or equal, and that Michael his archangel is his great Champion or Vindicator.
*** w60 3/15 pp. 187-188 pars. 14-15 Part 34—“Your Will Be Done on Earth” ***
Before 2 B.C. God’s only-begotten Son in heaven was called Michael, this name meaning “Who is like God?” When he emptied himself of his heavenly powers and his life was miraculously transferred to the womb of the virgin Jewess Mary and he was born and called Jesus, did he forfeit his heavenly name Michael? No! Before the birth of Jesus there are ten men in the nation of Israel who were listed with the name Michael, yet the Son of God was not to be known on earth by that name. “You are to call his name Jesus,” said the angel Gabriel to Mary his mother. (Luke 1:26-31; 2:21) So on earth it was not even hinted at that he had been Michael in heaven and “one of the chief princes.” Daniel 8:11, 25 (JP; AS) speaks of Jehovah God as “the prince of the host” and “the prince of princes.” Jehovah is the chiefest Prince, and with Him his Son Michael is “one of the chief princes.” He has become Prince of Peace.—Isa. 9:6.
15 When he died as the man Jesus Christ and was resurrected and went back to heaven, what was his proper name? Was it still or was it only Jesus Christ? No; it was not just his earthly human name. He resumed his heavenly name Michael. The name Jesus Christ was retained in order to show his identicalness with the humanborn Son of God on earth.
So he is repeating a long believed WTS deception that is not often mentioned, like Jesus not being the mediator of the other sheep.