The reason this scripture is such an embarrassment to the WT, and so hardly gets a mention, is because it comes under the heading of New Light.
(" Clarification")
According to the WT the "Councel" held in Jerusalem in Acts 15 took place around 49 C.E Pauls words in his letter to Corinth they say were written around 55 C.E, and so, are the latest "Light".
Now, if all the fuss they make about the use of blood was that important, don't you think Paul would have been inspired some 5 or 6 years later to mention it again, to underline it as "Jehovah's will" ?
But what does he do ? he advises these mainly gentile christians in Corinth to not worry about what was said in Jerusalem to the extent of following it to the letter, no he says to follow the spirit of what was decided in Jerusalem, i.e, that no Christian should offend another by what he does.
All of this makes a total nonsense of the WT's murderous teaching on blood transfusion.
The WT, and the Governing Body thereof are very very guilty of causing multiple unnecessary deaths.
May they answer for their guilt soon !