BEWARE:anewperson jeopardises Shunned Dad

by Scully 31 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Scully

    Dear Friends:

    Please be very careful about information you post here, and in private e-mail, particularly if you send e-mail to the individual who posts under the moniker "anewperson".

    "anewperson" has time and time again completely IGNORED the court order restricting public release of information that could reveal Shunned Father's identity to people who are aware of his court case, leaving him liable for fines by the court, when he is already deeply in debt for legal expenses. "anewperson" has divulged Shunned Dad's name, place of employment and work e-mail address on multiple occasions. "anewperson" treats requests to maintain the privacy of Shunned Father's identity with equal contempt, calling anyone who is concerned with the confidential nature of this information and the legal and financial ramifications to Shunned Father for its disclosure "a pro-WT troll" and attacking the intent of individuals who are GENUINELY trying to provide discreet, covert assistance.

    "anewperson": Just because you have confidential information does not give you the right to divulge it. You have proven yourself to be a sensationalistic blabber-mouth troll with a pro-WT agenda by disclosing sensitive information in the public domain. It seems to me that you'd like nothing better than to have Shunned Dad's case be thrown out of court and have him pay fines that can be levied against him because of your contempt for his court-ordered anonymity. You and your big mouth have caused at least two threads meant to assist Shunned Father to be deleted because of your indiscretion. If Shunned Father wanted his e-mail address plastered all over, he would become a member and make the requests himself, rather than ask for discreet inquiries to be made on his behalf.


  • Simon

    Yes, if you knowingly divulge any information that could jeapordise a case like this you will be deactivated without discussion.

  • hawkaw


    where is this scully?

    Did he Email you or something?

    Where is this on the board?


  • Elsewhere

    There is the old saying:

    Those who don't know speak. Those who do know don't speak.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • peaceloveharmony

    i recall seeing anewperson post a personal email addy for shunned dad.

    thanks scully for alerting us to this. and thanks simon for your awesome job keeping on top of things here!

  • Simon

    fortunately, we've been able to delete things pretty quickly but it is not the first or only occurrence. Private addresses / phone no's relating to Bill Bowen and others have also been included in posts.

  • Naeblis

    This isn't the first time that anewperson has done something like this. Doubt it will be the last either. This person is mentally ill.

  • Imbue

    Yes Naebs is right.. anewperson has done this before.

    This person hides behind their own anonymity but reveals the identities of others...coward and crazy

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

  • LDH


    Ahem, have you all forgotten this post so quickly?



  • Imbue

    There are many without conscience not just Sociopaths. Certainly anewperson is doubt. I'm hesitant to Dx someone without more information.

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

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