"Creator" Book. Is there a reader wh...

by Thirdson 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thirdson

    Some of you by choice or by compelling reason will attend the book study to consider the “Creator” book. During the study you might want to ask a few questions. Here are some things to ponder and maybe you can formulate some questions to ask your conductor.

    This book is dreadful in its use of quotations. Very few have any indication of their source. Even if they do there is no issue number or date and the book contains no bibliography. (See Francis Crick’s statement on page 42.) I would love to know when Dr. David Premack made his statement on page 60. I’d be willing to bet that the quote is quite old!

    I find it interesting that while on page 111 Urwick’s writings are pointed out as being outdated, the book continues to quote Wallace Pratt, (page 101) a geologist from the 1920’s, and E.A Milne (page 16) who died in 1950. (E.A. Milne calculated the age of the universe to be 2 billion years old -- only half the accepted age of the Earth today.) Also, after attacking scientific speculation the last paragraph on page 93 is pure speculation as is most of the chapter.

    Regarding the flood of Noah read the footnote on page 95. It comments that flood accounts are found in many cultures earth wide. But it makes this leap to conclusion:

    “This historic event left an indelible mark on the human survivors and their descendants, as anthropologists confirm.”

    Rubbish! Anthropologists confirm there are many flood legends, they don’t credit this to a global flood. Perhaps you should ask the study conductor to explain how ice core samples drilled from both the Arctic and Antarctic regions preserve a record of Earth history going back 150,000 years. How come there is no evidence of a global deluge in the cores? How come annual snowfall can be measured going back 100,000 years? (Each annual layer of snow contains variations in dust and pollen content.) How come the ice cores contain a record of Earth’s varying global temperature and that periodic ice-ages can be determined? The lack of a chapter about the flood as history shows the evidence is lacking. The flood account support is added as a footnote only.

    On a biblical note, ask who are the “scholars” who believe that Moses is the writer of the Torah and the book of Job. (Page 126) Get the conductor to find a book other than a WTS published one to support the notion.

    My conclusion is that this book is just a “feel good” justification for the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The rehashing of current doctrine, with it all it’s assumptions and the supposed scientific proof will make most unthinking JW’s feel warm and cozy. It is written in a way that while the quotes are fairly accurate the lack of acknowledgement will make it difficult to check and most people won’t go beyond underlining the sections that match the questions.

    Have fun with it or shut-up and stay bored stiff.


    Edited by - Thirdson on 18 February 2001 10:14:45

    Edited by - Thirdson on 18 February 2001 10:15:51

  • Fredhall


    If you don't like the book, then don't read it.

  • Thirdson

    Hey Fred,

    I loved the book, laughed all the way through.

    Tell me, what is your favorite chapter or portion and why?

    I bet you don't have one, can't comment and have never read the book either!


  • expatbrit


    I think they learned their lesson about not putting references or bibliographies after the "Creation" book got shredded so badly.

    My favourite bit of "Creator" book nonsense is on page 18 re. adding and taking away a zero to the measurement of the electromagnetic force. If you add a zero to a number, the resulting number is 10 times larger. If you take away a zero from a number, the resulting number is 10 times smaller.

    Yet they quote some Dr. Reinhard Breuer as calling this a "tiny adjustment". The reason, of course, to prove so-called "fine tuning" to the solar system.

    I'm no professional mathematician, but cutting a number to a tenth of it's value ain't no tiny adjustment!

    Perhaps Dr. Breuer's been shafted by the WT mis-quote brigade.


  • Fredhall


    The 2nd chapter is my favorite one. How in the world can a fool say that there is no Jehovah when the size of the universe is to hard to comprehend? It is hard to comprehend our own galaxy, but we have more than 50 billion galaxies in our known universe. Who knows, there might be more than one universe out there. There might be billions of universes.

  • Thirdson

    Thank you Fred.

    Good comment. You are not the Fred Hall from H2O.

    "Who knows, there might be other universes." True, there might 10 or 11 dimensions to the universe as well.

    Would you care to comment on ice cores and how the WTS might try to explain the flood as real history.


  • Englishman


    There`s not that many people on this site who say: "There is no Jehovah - or God".

    Most people here seem to agree that, for believers in God, the WTBTS`s "Private Pipeline to God" teachings are just balderdash.

    I don`t have any quarrel with God, just the usurpers at Brooklyn.

    Is that not reasonable?


  • Thirdson


    That is a good point. Any difference in an order of magnitude would mean no universe. Without stars there would be no heavy elements. With too short a life for a star there would be no stable universe. As it is, the universe exists and so do we. Saying that a difference in electromagnetic force even if "tiny" means no universe is a moot point and I don't see this as proof of God nor do I see it disproving God. The universe has to be the way it is.

    The Earth's ideal conditions (page 23) are facts as well but it doesn't make Earth unique. It is the way it is but who knows how many other "Earths" exist in our galaxy, other galaxies, or as Fred said other Universes?


  • mgm

    about the flood: According to the bible chronologie, the flood was happen about 2300 b.C.
    Did you know that Egypt build the famous pyramides in the time around 2200-2100 b.C.?
    Think about, just 8 people survived the flood!
    And by the way, Egypt doesn't have a flood legend, which would match to the bible at all...

  • Xandit

    The fact that things were being adjusted by a factor of ten was raised in our book study, with examples just to make sure everyone understood what was going on. To be honest about 80% of the people's eyes were glazing over at that point any way. That kind of stuff is not very interesting to many people.

    Edited by - Xandit on 18 February 2001 22:47:11

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