Christianity: The most deceptive religion

by opusdei1972 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • opusdei1972

    Jesus was a Jew who apparently thought he was the Messiah, however, after dying, his disciples began to propagate the lie that he would return from heaven during his generation. But, his generation passed away, and it was clear that it was a false prophecy, then a dishonest christian wrote the Second Letter of Peter so as to condemn those who realised that the prophecy was a fiasco.

    Interestingly, and sadly, this religion survived,....why?????

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Because people want to live

    Because people want to live forever in a paradise be it in heaven or earth. It like a carrot you dangle before and animal to get him to move in a beneficial way for profits.

    We will suspend critical judgement if we engage in wishful thinking and lots of times we were born into a religion and so not having the critical thinking skills we naturally fall into the delusions of christianity, It is like the old computer saying garbage in = garbage out in other words we have been feeding our minds with pretty much useless information and now we are getting garbage out.

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  • Crazyguy
    The religion was promoted by Rome otherwise it probably would of went bye bye.
  • LostGeneration

    Agree with Brokeback, just another religious tale that allows people to hold out hope that this ain't all there is.

    While I do feel that this is all there is, there isn't a way to prove it, thus there will always be "believers" walking the earth in some form or another.

  • Heaven

    Interestingly, and sadly, this religion survived,....why?????

    People in positions of power and authority saw a means to control the masses and acquire financial rewards from them. Always follow the power and money.

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  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    The very very early church was dominated by the African churches, such as at Alexandria and Carthage. Other strongholds were to the east, such as at Antioch. When they came together at a synod, the church at Rome was grudgingly invited as an observer. The 4th and 5th centuries witnessed atrocious murders and wars among the Christians, mostly over the nature of Jesus Christ. This weakened the African Churches, enabling the Muslims to take over north Africa. This resulted in Christians - and hence Christianity - moving northwards, causing it to becoming a European religion.

    It achieved its dominant position because the Roman Emperors decided. Read about Constantine and Theodosius, for starters.

    The church of Rome then behaved as atrociously as had the Emperors of the Roman Empire. The church of Rome said it could behave that way because it was a theocracy.


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    Jesus said that his church would last for all ages. 2000 years later and %20 of the planet still believes that a man, claiming to be God, is the truth, the way, the life.

    go figure out why if you can

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  • WTWizard

    The whole thing is a scam. Start out by branding mankind to be inherently wicked, indebted. Then pretend God offered up a sacrifice to redeem us from that condition, under the condition that we emulate this being. Of course, the whole story is fictitious. Original sin is bogus. Jesus is bogus. And "the Devil" really only wanted to prevent joke-hova from enslaving us all.

    Now, who is more righteous, the scumbag wanting us all enslaved, or the One trying to prevent it?

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  • FusionTheism

    If you look at Luke chapter 21, and Matthew 24, you'll see that Jesus was simply predicting the Roman armies coming to destroy the Jewish Temple, and that this was His "parasouia" (presence), coming in judgment against the Jews who rejected Him as Messiah.

    This actually was fulfilled within a generation, 37 years later.

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    I would like to state that I am a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ in association with Jehovah's Witnesses. That I believe he will return and that after his return a physical resurrection will occur and the earth will be restored from the damage done to it.

    I recognize that religion is a divisive topic on this forum and I do not intend to get into religious debates. Been there, done that. :wink:

    I felt it good though to at least declare my religious beliefs in a small non-confrontational way, if that is acceptable on this thread. If not, then my apologies.


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