Dec.2013 Awake "Can you Trust The News Media?

by jam 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    1)Media Moguls (A samll but powerful number of corporations

    own primary media outlets, corporations are desesigned fro profit).

    2)Governments (Gov. want to convince the public to support their


    3)Advertising (In the US, magazines get between 50 and 60 percent

    of their revenue from advertising).

    4) Spin (Even if facts are as solid as bricks, how they are presented depends

    on the judgment of the joutnalist).

    5) Dishonesty... I love this one (Not all reporters are honest. Some

    journalisis fabricate stories).

    5) Omission (In arranging facts to create a compelling story, journalist

    often EXCLUDE details that would introduce complications or un-

    resolved issues).

    This is very confusing, are they talking about the News Media or a

    self-examination of themselves. How can they write such hypocritical


    I would swear that someone wrote this article describing the WT.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    The illustration which I've heard Elders give, springs to mind - "When you point the finger at someone, three are pointing back at you!!".

  • gingerbread

    The Society of Professional Journalists support a strict Code of Ethics. These codes are taught to every single journalism student in the United States.

    The SPJ states that it is the duty of all journalist (in any media) to "seek truth and to provide a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues."

    The Code states in part :

    • Test the accuracy of all information before reporting.
    • Identify your sources.
    • Make sure headlines and stories do not misrepresent the facts.
    • Never plagiarize.
    • Support an open exchange of views.
    • Give a voice to the 'voiceless'.
    • Remain free of conflicts of interest.
    • Deny favors from advertisers or special interest groups.
    • Admit mistakes and correct them promptly.
    • Be accountable for your work.

    The Watchtower society is distorting the truth about this profession.

    In fact, they break ALL of the above Code that are strictly follow by journalists.


  • Oubliette


  • jam

    yes, plagiarizing. Can we count the times.

  • sparrowdown

    The Searcher- oh they need THE finger alright.

  • NewYork44M

    Not citing sources and quotes is a clear indication that there is potential fraud in reporting. Misquoting prior works without proper citations another example of potential fraud. Hmmm, I wonder who is an example of these tactics????

  • SadElder

    So the question becomes: Can you trust the Awake magazine?

  • Spectre

    So they propose the Stick your Head In The Sand policy? Awesome!

  • truthseekeriam

    Exactly, Gingerbread. I get so frustrated when the JW's claim you can't believe what's written in the media.

    I got in a pretty heated email exchange with one high and mighty sister who insisted Johnathan Holt was not a JW and how the media had it all wrong because she knew someone who knew someone that knows he isn't a

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