Moscow - the only world power able to turn the United States into "radioactive dust"

by scotoma 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • scotoma

    Those are the words of a prominent Russian TV broadcaster.

    President Putin recently appointed Kiselyov as head of Russia's newly restructured state-owned news agency Rossiya Segodnya (Russia Today), which was set up by an unexpected presidential decree to replace the longstanding Ria Novosti and Voice of Russia media outlets in December.

    Do you think the Watchtower writers are doing some recalculations?

    Will they switch the identity of Babylon the Great from a religious entity to the USA.

    "Rev. 18:16

    "Too bad, too bad-the great city, clothed with fine linen and purple and scarlet and richly adorned with gold ornament...because in 1 hour such great riches have been devasted...cried out as they looked at the smoke from the burning of her and said 'What city is like the great city?' And they threw dust upon their heads and cried out weeping and mourning and said "Too bad, too bad- the great city, in which all those having boats at sea became rich by reason of her costliness because in 1 hour she has been devastated."

    They probably won't change their idea that Babylon the Great is Religion. If the USA were Babylon the Great it would require them to conclude that at some point they would have to physically get out of the USA. That would be too much to ask JW's to do. And besides they've got that marvelous building project underway in Tuxedo.

  • snowbird

    If some have their way, the entire world will all be radioactive dust.


  • wasblind

    What that TV broadcaster said was nothin' but an

    all out threat to everything we hold dear

    especially our children

  • scotoma

    What's the point of having nuclear weapons if your don't flash them once in a while.

    It's hypocritical the way conservatives fight for their right to have guns but they want to prevent other countries from having the same ability to defend themselves with nuclear weapons as the USA has.

    The so-called "legitimate" government that carried out a coup in Ukraine is now setting about confiscating all private firearms.

  • sir82

    Don't a bunch of the old USSR states, which are now independent countries, have nuclear weapons also? Ukraine, Belarus, etc.

    Or are all those lumped in under "Russia" in the above graphic?

  • wasblind


    The U.S. gives citizens the right to bear arms,

    not nuclear weapons

  • NewYork44M

    Sounds like they are still the King of the North.

  • scotoma

    Sir 82,

    The former Soviet Republics gave up their nuclear weapons and Russia assumed responsibility for all debts of the Soviet Union.

  • prologos

    some consider these weapons defensive, the militant see them as attack, first strike tools.

    statements like that (radioactive dust) are scary, show disregard for fellow humans.

    Krutchov was more humane " we will bury you".

    on the sanctions against Moscow:

    will Moscow retaliate by imposing sanctions on America, refusing to fly US, European astronauts to the space station?

  • scotoma


    Shouldn't any nation be able to build whatever weapons they need for self defense?

    It won't be long before they will all have nuclear weapons that can be delivered stealthily with drones just big enough to fly a 50 pound payload and crawl to its target.

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