Could a parent put in a complaint to the school district and request that their child be transferred out of my classroom because I am exjw? If they give me the JW school brochure (do they still do that? sorry its been 16years since i've been out) can I just tell them I'm familiar with their teachings or should i just pretend I'm new to their teachings?....I'm a freshman in college so I have still a long ways before this situation is presented, however I"m trying to get prepared for it. I'm not sure yet how I will deal with having to exclude a child and send them to the library to color or something whenever holidays and patriotic events start happening like I had to when I was a kid. I'm trying to mentally prepare for that now since I know that as a teacher I will have to have a neutral position on this :/
What if I am a disfellowshipped public school teacher?
by bsand20 26 Replies latest jw friends
I don't think that it's your problem at all. No reason to tell them anything about yourself, you don't have to answer to JWs. If a parent of any religion writes a request that the child not participate in some activity, I think you have to go along with it, but maybe school policy would have some effect on that too. Don't think you have to follow JW rules, just because you know what the rules are. Outside the KH, they have no real effect.
When you become a teacher......NEVER let any JW parent know you are a DF'd X-JW. They could play the DF card against you and cause trouble for you.
Forget about it completely. Never bring it up.
If you try to be reasonable and bring it up even one time....EVERY JW parent who knows will tell others. It will be what "defines" you and not your teaching ability.
Separation of church and state can be your amswer if anyone ever challenges you on no thaving mentioned it.
Hello Alphaman
I have to ask, How can a JW cause trouble for a teacher who is an ExJW
unless Witnessess had a religious school of thier own
that only required teachers to be a Jehovah's Witness
they have no power
It's against the law in the U.S. to fire or cause trouble for anyone in the work place
based on thier religious status , especially in non religious public schools
Jehovah's Witnesses have no power over her unless she gives it to 'em
If you have to send a Witness child outta the classroom
be as gentle as you can when you send them out
but it's no longer your problem. It's the parents
If I were her , I would gladly tell any JW parent my status
jus' so I could avoid havin' to send a kid out
everytime the others are havin' fun. Good Riddance
I agree you have no obligation to tell them anything. You could just say you're familiar with jw's If you wanted. I would just smile and nod though. It will give you a good opportunity to be sympathetic to that child though. Some teachers would make such big shows about excluding the kids. (Congrats on becoming a teacher! I always wanted to be an elementary school teacher. What are you hoping to do?)
Look at it as an opportunity to be an advocate for those poor children. You have insight and empathy, you can look for ways to help them have self esteem, confidence and more.
Be nice to the JW kids. Never make a spectacle of them. Encourage them to set goals and have dreams beyond "the spiritual".
Don't need to tell the parents anything. I doubt many JWs would do much beyond asking for a transfer, but some might be vindictive, so I would leave the ex JW bit out of your future vocabulary at ALL. No sense borrowing trouble.
Follow the written policy. Love the kids and always want the best for them. The minute you get to being a burn out, find other work or a totally different age group. Burn out teachers get mean or apathetic and while it may be ok to be a middle management business but not a teacher of children.
BSand20.......none of their business!
The only thing that you might do be a little nicer
to those poor little kids than many other teachers would!
Peace to you
Granted some teachers can be Witches but
Teachers not only get a bad rapp from the WTS
when it comes to encouragement of higher education for witness children
beyond high school
But they seem to get a bad rapp on this thread
were they all heartless and mean towards Witness kids ?
I think blame for whatever treatment you felt you recieved
durin' the Holidays and such falls on the Witness parents and the WTS
becuase it was thier choice to put thier children through such
The teachers are required to abide by the rules of the parents
Jehovah's Witness parents are taught to thrive off of the persecution complex at their childrens expense