For those who still attend- When was the last time you had a Congregation Picnic or Get together?

by BU2B 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • KateWild

    God needs to judge his house for these pharisee behaviors-SingleCell

    Thanks your for your encouragement and thank you for talking to me. Kate xx

  • BU2B

    Wow they really have NO CLUE do they. Sing Kingdom melodies at a party? They are truly the quakers and puritans of the 21st century. The WT is unashamedly anti-fun.

  • FadeToBlack

    When we were back in the states last, we had some good picnics (congregation rented a pavillion in park) but that was about 2004. At our house more recently in Poland, we invited everyone to come and most did, a few elders and their families did not (probably home studying WT for next day) but a few did - the younger elders. We had about 70 people running around having fun. Badmitton, soccer, I showed them how to play horse-shoes. Bonfire. Of course, I was the only one drinking (necessary). Eventually they would have to sing some KM melodies (I was busy cleaning up).

    Since I have faded, we haven't done it again. Too bad for the children. Must suck to get to be a child, once a year at a faders's BBQ.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I had a social congregation in NY but when they trippled the amount of Bethelites in the hall it started to get less. The Bethel rules became everyones rules. In WV small hall we always had "get togethers" but again it wasn't that hard to get less than 30 people together. Now I go to parties

  • hellenback

    TTATTelder- Any rules on what you can wear to the beach where you are? Up here, the elders told a young married brother who is in good shape to put a shirt on so he would not "stumble" the sisters

    More Like the brothers

  • DuvanMuvan

    In my congregation they always had something on for the "young ones" (anyone between 3 and 22) like every other month or some kind of dinner party. I always disliked going to them and I could never say no because i felt bad. They were always pretty boring and sometimes me and my friends in the kh would organise a sleep over on the night of a get together to get out of it.

    While I was on my way out of the religion (not that long of a story but I couldn't be bothered to post it here: I mentioned to my mum once how it was annoying that you can never say no when a jw asks you to do something because you just feel guilty. She tried to convince me that I don't have to do anything I didn't want to but it didn't work.

    Well earlier this week my mum was invited to a dinner party hosted by a brother and his wife or something and has been trying to get out of it. Luckily I'm out for good so I don't have to go. Well a couple of hours ago my mum got a call from the brother. She tried to get out of it by pulling a sickie but in her words he "insisted" that she'd go anyway.

    I'm not sure if that's dramatic irony, situation irony or what but it's pretty damn funny

  • DuvanMuvan

    Forgot to mention the dress code. According to my mum it's "dress as if you're going to meeting". Lol doesn't sound like a very relaxed environment if the women aren't even allowed to turn up in jeans.

  • love2Bworldly

    thanks Blondie for making me want to upchuck & a reminder as to why I left that horrible religion, what a joke!!!

    Makes me so sad for all those JW zombies waiting for their paradise, including my mentally ill sister who won't speak to me or acknowledge my existence

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