I was just imagining, what if a group started their own congregation, with all of the wackiest teachings. Can you imagine what that would be like?
The library would be full of 1800s-1980s publications. There would be a flat screen tv playing the Sparlock and masturbation videos.
Sisters would be walking around with used McDonald's napkins on their heads, prarie skirts to their ankles, pantyhose, "comfortable shoes", loose turtlenecks, and would never cut or color their hair.
The men would have no mustache or beard but they'd have big 1970s sideburns, wide ties and polyester suits.
There could be a healing room in the back for reiki, acupressure, iridology, herbology, and guided consultations with Golden Age ("to cure a cold, jump up and down naked").
There could be a snack bar dedicated to beliefs/teachings not in print. The stereo system in this room would be playing backwards masking music, Thriller, and assorted Satanic groups. There would be a flat screen tv showing The Photodrama of Creation. The menu would include Milky Way candy bars, blood sausage, hot dogs, and devil's food cake. The booths would be made out of Rutherford's Cadillacs. The art on the wall would be photos of Beth Shan and Bethel.
I'm having an idea that this should be a living museum.
People would not be allowed to leave until they had a judicial committee and were disfellowshipped.