sir82, nothing's written in stome, every BOE has their own style...goal the same, to tell the CO that they attempted to contact everyone on the list. Becoming an elder was eye opening for my husband. After 5 years he left becoming one of the inactives. He could no longer play in their reindeer games.
Just got a call from an elder
by nolongerconfused 34 Replies latest jw friends
I saw another thread, that someone got a call. It seems to be a memorial thing and they don't seem to be very loving and caring about the individuals they call on by what blondie says.
WT would have better sucess if elders were required to love bomb, but I suppose they are and just don't because they are so overworked by other rituals in the group, as it's a cult.
Kate xx
Given Blondie's comments I suggest you ignore and delete the voice mail. Chances are you will never hear from these folks again.
Calebs Airplane
He looked at his "Pre-CO Visit Checklist" and saw there was a box he needed to tick....
Call Brother No longerconfused || DONE ||
Its most likely the pre-memorial inactive checkup call.
I have one Elder who calls me, just one. I am not even inactive!! I'm am fading in my own way, but I still go to the meetings. I just skip more often and rarely comment. I am already being quasi-shunned. You gotta love "Da troof!!" You could really mess with him. Just say that you are working a lot but you appreciate him calling. Tell him you will be out of town that night, but you may have a chance to attend at another KH. He will feel so happified and will look good for the C.O!
Better yet, jut ignore the call.
"Hello ____, please call me back at 444-444-4444 whenever you can".
That is the telephone version of "Brother/Sister_________, may I speak to you in the library for a moment?"
Don't do it!
....what voice message......
adjusted knowledge
I've had Elders stop by my house, and informed me they were given directions to contact disfellowshiped and inactive witnesses. The Elders around my town seem genuinely caring but very tired.