Based on the damnation working at this Grand Boasting Session, I feel things will be even worse. As for disfellowshipping, where it would hurt, they might make it easier and then do all they can to disrupt the lives of those affected. And they will want to do all they can to get people trapped so their lives are wrapped in the religion. Full communism is the rule--veiled, but full nonetheless.
As for those who do not give a fxxxthat they are disfellowshipped and will not be hurt, they will probably have other cards to play. Such as your dedication. You remember when you promised to joke-hova that you would do everything you could to serve that thing? You dedicated your whole soul to that thing. That was a contract! And, when you got baptized, you "signed" that contract! Let someone at the top think of that, or find a way to invoke that breach of contract rule, and all bedlam is going to break loose. At that, not just among us apostates. Everyone they feel could have done more is in "breach of contract". You do 80 hours in a month they feel you could have done 81, you "stole" 1 hour from joke-hova. You donate 200 toilet papers to the Worldwide Damnation Fund, and they think you could have done another 20, you are also in breach of contract. You know that Fenix LD22 you just bought in case you are alone in a stairwell and the lights abruptly go out? The funds you used to buy it belonged to joke-hova, and you did not have its permission to use those funds for that purpose.
Let them play that card, and you will be seeing court cases against all that do not fulfill their dedications. And, unlike the houndings we have today, you welsh on this contract, they can sue for breach of contract or hold you civilly or criminally liable for contempt of court. You will be seeing pious-sneering becoming mandatory if they feel you could do it, and the hours buffed right back. The recent nurfs on boasting sessions could be taken away, or they could enforce wasting the full 4 hours on Family Waste the Evening Night. Not to mention, you could start seeing court-ordered quotas in field circus and in giving to the Worldwide Damnation Fund. This would enable them to buff the cult to the level seen in the Boston Movement or Twelve Tribes cults, or even worse. Let's see how many judges there are out there that are psychopathic or idiotic enough to play along with this one.