How Were You Affected by All The Rules & Regulations From The Watchtower Society?

by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • BU2B

    I chafed under them and saw how many were not in the bible. However my wife thinks there should be more rules... Be glad she isnt on the GB people.

  • WTWizard

    It is not just the rules from the corporation. All it takes is one idiot to be "stumbled", or a psychopath to declare that your choice of something stumbles them, and they instantly have a rule for that. And it is a judicial offense--under "brazen conduct". All it takes is one hounder to "need" to know what is on your iPod, and if you don't show them, they could make a case for "brazen conduct". There are many rules that apply in one congregation, but not from the top, that hounders use this "brazen conduct" to enforce. Rules against investment silver (and I recommend buying silver, heavily, while it is still floating between 18 and 24 toilet papers an ounce and before it suddenly disappears altogether or rises abruptly to 900 billion or more), preparedness items (and this includes having a flashlight in field circus), using LED light bulbs (showy display of one's means of living), and having plenty of batteries and chargers could fall into this category.

    And, this could expand to include everything. Children going on class trips could be outlawed within your congregation (not in the whole organization) by a simple local needs talk about it followed by "brazen conduct" for children going anyways. They could expand this to taking vacations away from the congregation (or, alternatively, require a written statement that you attended all boasting sessions and fully supported field circus all the time you were away), going online (or going online except for, buying things online (again, showy display of one's means of life), or having entertainment files that they cannot see the index to. They could also have local bans on vitamins or certain foods (whether on the spurious "joke-hova's communism comes before your health or on a rumor of blood in something or a company run by apostates). They could also have congregation boycotts on companies that sell expensive wares of high quality (again, showy display of one's means of life). "Brazen conduct" is the enforcement.

  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge

    The rules and regulations never bothered me. Most of them will not get you disfellowshiped but looked down upon. We in the congregation would be told that we need to use our Christian conscience, since the Bible couldn’t make a rule on every single possible issue. If a brother or sister nagged me about watching an R rated movie I would simple reply, “It didn’t bother my Christian conscience”. I’ve always done what I wanted despite the counsel given. I used all the rules to my advantaged. I stopped shaving for some time and told the brothers I couldn’t afford razors. They bought me an electric razor. It is a fun game to play for those of us that is still in.

    I found being labeled “spiritually weak” gave me fruits of both worlds. I could attend college, work on a career, have NO responsibilities at the Hall, and get to socialize with family and friends. The non-burdensome commandments laid out in the bible were not hard for me, so I never needed to worry about being DFed. I married a non-believing mate and get to celebrate all Holidays. If I ever get questioned about it, I simply say “oh my wife bought those decorations” J I attend a few meetings a month, and never do field service. If the elders complain to me I simple say, “Out of your own mouth I’m spiritually weak, what do you expect? J” If I get pressure, I miss more meetings and don’t take long for them to back off once they realize the correlation. I love reading and actually enjoy the bible, whether it is Hebrew fables or not. I simply use my meeting time at the Hall as if I’m at a library studying. I’m sure most will view this as a waste or double life, but four to six hours a month is not much of a sacrifice. I bring my Ipad to the hall and play games now. I tell the brothers that I’m on

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    One would have to be perfect. Yet no human is perfect. Therefore, we are doomed to failure. Chronic failure. I had severe childhood abuse plus the abuse of being born-in a Witness. I've spent decades in therapy for low self-esteem. Thank God for public school and public library. We were allowed to do worldly things, such as ice-skating, until puberty. I get too worked up about the true evils of home schooling. We live in community. Besides my parents could not teach me elementary school, let alone higher grades. I begged for help with fifth grade homework. My father put his work aside and helped me. We garnered a D. No more parental help with homework.

    I can't recall being commended for one thing in all my time as a Witness-outside of my grandmother and aunt. I was eleven and no home Bible study with an adult -what a failure! I was born to be a lawyer or journalist. Asking questions is second nature. I could not care about the KH. My interest was in Bethel and the First Amendment litigation. I am sought out about disputes in the Anglican Church. Transparency is important. I believe there was self-selection in terms of career and where I graduated college. The profs. were bored with answers. Any trained seal can provide answers. We were brainwashed to ask hard questions.

    When I examine my love of fine arts, Beatles, Dylan, civil rights, progressive Christianity, there is an anticult strand running through it all. Classmates say they are sorry but then remark how envious they are of me. Working in an office is delightfful, not boring. I appreciate the lack of arbitrary rules and regulations. Of course, I was an East Coast elite school baby boomer. Perhaps I am only a caricature. I know I will be at the opera or the Metropolitan Museum and pinch myself that a JW girl fits in. Everything was a struggle. It took many years to feel as though I fit in the world. It was crystal clear I did not fit in the Witnesses. The limbo years were hard. I wish we could pair exJWs up to reassure them that with time, life can be wonderful.

  • minimus

    I truly appreciate your honest comments.

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