I listen to that podcast 'religiously' must have been switched off, seth's voice is so calming!
Fred Phelps is dead
by zound 25 Replies latest jw friends
Do you think Fred and Guy will crash in to eachother as they shoot up to Heaven ?
Seth Andrews, host of the Thinking Atheist podcast @ www.thethinkingatheist.com interviewed Nathan Phelps, one of Fred's sons who left the church. The interview took place on March 18, just before Fred died, and he gives some great insight into this man who let hate run amock.
Donny Ray
The world is a better place with his passing. I hope the Westboro church implodes and frees the poor children who are still in.
Apparently it was something like a power coupe. Fred Phelps got 'disfellowshipped' before his death and the eight took over, in part to prevent Shirley from doing so and keep her in her place (as a woman). I can only imagine the effect this will have on the poor children of westborough - eight overlords exerting their dominance.
Don't know if you listen to Dogma Debate, but there was a show awhile back where they interviewed I think it was Sam Roper (?) who is one of these eight governing body members - he wasn't then, but he was a prize asshole in the interview - takes after his grandaddy.
What a nightmare for the children.
About 5 years ago, several vans loaded with the Westboro Baptist people came to protest in Key West. One of the locations they were picketing, was the local synagogue...right next door to my house. They parked in front of my house. I called the driver back so he could move the van over to a public parking space. They so reminded me of JW's in field service. I was taken back to my younger days, when groups of us would travel to work unassigned territory. I can just imagine what those people thought when we piled out of a van. The community had been given advance notice that they were coming, and decided the best response, would be no response. Except for a couple of confrontations with angry drag queens, they were ignored. The group at the synagogue left after about 15 minutes of picketing.
As for the passing of Fred Phelps, my condolences to those that loved him.