A few minuites ago talking to my sister who is finally seeing the Watchtower for what it is and is scrutinizing it alot brought something to myu attention that troubled my longtime JW mother dearly. She said after reading the article about the death of Guy Pierce she noticed that they never refered to him as Brother Pirce. She said everytime they mentioned his name they refered to him as Mr. Pierce.
My sister said that maybe they are trying to gear the article for Worldly ones and so they keep saying "Mr. Pierce"?My mother immediately went into a rage and said, "WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT. JW.ORG IS FOR US!!! NOT WORLDLY PEOPLE!!!"
SHe then said she asked her if she thinks thatmaybe Mr. Pierce was not in good standing or something toward the end. Afterall she sees no reason to refer to our loving brother as MR. just because worldly ones might read it.
After looking at the article she is right. They say "Mr. Pierce" every time they refer to him.
She also said that she is concerned by the last sentence of the article that reads, "In a statement, his fellow members of the Governing Body commented on “his solid faith and firm stand for Jehovah’s laws and principles,” adding: “Our memories of his courageous and faithful earthly life course will continue to strengthen us for years to come.”"
hmmm i wonder why that sentence bothers her ROFL