It will never happen. Why not? Because that will definitely be the "final nail" in their coffin. JWs will not stand for it any longer. That would be the same thing if they came in one day and announced "Jesus is Jehovah" at an assembly. It won't happen because it will prove point blank JWs cannot be trusted with biblical teachings. They might tweek the 144,000 a little and say they are all "men" and that the women can only be of the "great crowd". They might sell this change especially to their JW men. But they will never say the 144,000 is symbolic. I think the overlapping generation bought them many, many years and the number of the annointed going up instead of down will still be taught as some JWs are just "obsessed" with going to heaven that this makes them partake at the memorial. If the GB announces the 144,000 is not literal my 84 yr old JW mom will say "enough is enough". But time will tell and if they do announce it I will be shocked.
I don't believe the JWs will ever change and say the 144,000 is "symbolic"
by booker-t 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They won't have a choice. In a decade or two when people start figuring out that many more JW's have partaken than 144k it will become too big of a farce to not change their dogma. The numbers of those who partake continually gou up every year.
The Searcher
I have to disagree: over the past 3-4 years, I've had some serious discussions with fellow Witnesses about various false teachings of the Org, and most of them just point-blank refuse to accept what the Bible is plainly telling them, by spouting off the literature's convoluted reasoning. There are so many who cannot/will not think for themselves - all reasoning on the Scriptures must emanate from 'Mother'!!
On that basis, there will always be a hard-core majority who will accept virtually anything the GB says. If they can't grasp it, they'll just say to themselves, "Wait on Jehovah".
However, the one thing which would cause an exodus, (IMHO) is if the GB initiated a radical new policy to relieve the publishers of their hard-earned cash - either by guilt, intimidation, or a form of tithing.
Even I don't think they're that stupid!
I don't believe the JWs will ever change and say the 144,000 is "symbolic"
Your absolutely right..Because..JW`s don`t make the Doctrines..
The WBT$ makes the Doctrines,JW`s follow..
The WBT$ could say the 144,000 is symbolic..JW`s would accept it or be tossed out..
Life goes on in Watchtower World..
If they chance then they can point out it's being figurative may even include less than 144,000. Increases control.
The fact that parents will die rather than take blood or let their child die shows you what the power of the organisation has over people...
The JW's who are leaving are the ones that examine everything whilst those who stay in are the ones who let the society think for them...thus it seems the majority will accept any change the society make...
The GB know they have this times gone by the GB tried to give evidence and proof for their changes but now they don't bother as they know the majority just accept "they are the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class" and just lap it up...the fact they said "evidently what Jesus meant was an overlapping generation"..."evidently"? Where is the evidence? They don'y need it...
So...I can see major changes to 144,000 and 1914 coming...and it will not make one difference to most of those who don't bother to check what they believe...
So booker-t, are you repsonding this this thread?
My thoughts on the matter:
The 144,000 will change to a "figurative" number. You watch, its coming. They will have no choice, as has been shown, after the numbers of partakers continues to go up. Their lame excuses of "mental instability" and "confusion" among the ranks holds only so much water. And yes, there will be some who will have had enough, I suspect many "old-timers", and "awake", those just on the edge, subconsciously waiting for the final straw to break the camels back, to tip them over the edge..., and they will stop playing the silly games. But the majority are already being "groomed" to drink from the Momma's teat, and swallow whatever vile swill emanates.
I submit that the "change" of new light will not cripple this organization, it will only bolster the resolve of those so blinded by the obvious that it will be only a bump in the road, shaking off the "mentally disturbed" and those not firmly attached to previously mentioned teat.
Jack Harper, Tech49
More people will leave if they don't change. Some people belive all Christians should partake in communion. They may be torn between following a command of Jesus or being shunned and told they have a mental problem for doing what billions of Catholics dO regularly. Now these particular will feel comfortable with partaking.
Island Man
" It won't happen because it will prove point blank JWs cannot be trusted with biblical teachings."
You're right. So far there has never been any changes over the decades to prove point blank that JWs cannot be trusted with biblical teachings. JWs have never falsely predicted the end of the system of things. JWs have never taught utter foolishness like saying the superior authorities of Romans 13 refers to God and Jesus and not the governments. JWs have never promoted medical quackery in their literature. JWs have always taught only sensible teachings. So if their governing body comes with the utterly ridiculous, outlandish and incredible idea that the 144,000 could be a symbolic number it would represent a change in their understanding - something unprecedented in JW history - and of such a magnitude as to prove to all JWs that they are false teachers. You're kidding right?
The governing body of JWs would have to work much harder than that to convince JWs that they can't be trusted with biblical teachings. You must understand that the JWs primary concern is not actual truth - not the actual veracity of their teachings. Their actual concern is making it to the new system, and to them the way to make it to the new system is to blindly obey and be loyal to The Organization. It doesn't matter much to them that the organization is wrong. All that matters is that The Organization is The Truth, Jehovah's Organization. And so help them Jehovah they will be loyal to it!