In Juan Viejo2’s recent thread about district overseer and other changes coming this bit was quite intriguing to me.
The Governing Body will be expanded to 12 to better match the biblical magic number of apostles, tribes of Israel, etc. That will also reset the 'magic number' to 8 needed to get a majority vote to make a doctrinal change…
One of my friends suggests that "annointed" will become synomous with "appointed." If a brother is "appointed" to the Governing Body, then the logic is that he has automatically been "annointed" by holy spirit and would therefore be considered to be part of the 144K.
If this bit does turn out to be true, the implications are significant. For as long as I can remember the WTS official position on the true anointed is that each individual had an unmistakable visit directly from the holy spirit, which let them know beyond any shadow of a doubt, that they were chosen for a heavenly calling.
Now if this change goes through, it would mean that it is men that now choose who is anointed, and not the holy spirit. That would be a big change. It also reveals that past and current governing body members, and the thousands of other people who claimed to be anointed, are in fact liars! Yes, there was in fact no special presence from any god or holy spirit, granted, some may have been crazy and it felt real to them though.
This to me this is another crucial indictment that this cultish sect is built upon nothing more than lies, just like all religions. Those that choose to perpetuate the false notion that there is some god, and holy spirit actively at work in people’s lives would do well to reflect on this.