CNN: Does the big bang breakthrough offer proof of God?

by EndofMysteries 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • snare&racket

    Put it this way, there is nothing wrong with it, in of itself.... but as soon as I see scientists making such assumptions and leaps of faith, I see it being written in the pages of Watchtower literature, I see it being thrust in front of teenagers who have recently told their parents they no longer believe in god, I see it being quoted from podiums and altars, I see it being written.... in forums.

    That is why it is dangerous, not because it is not helpful or possibly correct. But because these kind of assumptions from a qaulified voice are dangerous in the wrong hands and provides fuel for a fire we were all once consumed in. Pseudo-science is not harmless!

    I was brought up on "some scinetists claim..." or "this doctor believes that...." to explain away countless untruths. They don't help at all!

    These kinds of opinions and quotes from scientists are missued by religions all over the world. They kept me content and stopped me questionign for a very long time.

    Snare x

  • sparrowdown

    Thanks for explaining that to me snare,

    I find it deliciously ironic that in the congregation we were encouraged to "make sure of all things, hold fast to what is fine.."

    Best advice ever, cause now I know jws are deludinoids, the lot of them. And I'm sure of it!


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