hell no ! some of the very most vile forms of human behaviour I have ever seen has come from JW's just becuase they all don a cheap suit , look clean shaven and bang on doors with a fake smile means nothing, take the suit off and they have all the traits of normal members of the "world" dreadfull people.
Are witnesses the best behaved people in the world?
by speargrass55 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes........ but that is not a compliment. Jim Jone's followers were extraordinarily well behaved too. They were honest hard working people, took care of families and one another. They tried to build a paradise on earth and then.......... they received Jim Jone's 'new truth'. How well behaved are you if you can feed poison to your children?
JW's pride themselves on putting their best face forward but that's where it ends....... with their best face. Beneath that there is a similar capacity to do extraordinary harm.
They will judge and shun one another, even close family members, for decades over slight disagreements about their ever changing beliefs and cultural bias's. For a hundred years now they have eagerly awaited the destruction and death of Billions.
And many of these well behaved people have been more then willing to allow their children to be sacrificed, on orders from the WTBTS, by abstaining from blood and in the past..........vacines and transplants.
May not be the best behaved people, but in generally rank high on being polite, considerate, and helpful compared to other groups of Christians and non-Christians.
It would be hard to find another group that has such a level of orderliness and devotion to a set of doctrine/guidelines that are generally seen as supporting society's values. Or in other words, a typical JW will dress nicely, have a clean house, not cheat others, be (mostly) truthful in talk, not do drugs, not get drunk, etc.
In my JW family there's a guy who stole from his employer and got the sack, a woman who cheated on her husband and another woman who hated her husband and showed it for her entire marriage. Which is the person they shun? You guessed it, the woman who just doesn't believe in the teachings anymore.
By the way jamclark they are all well-dressed and I assume they have clean homes although I have never seen their homes.
I've seen a male pioneer routinely leading service meetings wearing wrinkled, dirty tie and pants obviously picked up from floor where his dog laid on them. I've seem female pioneers on the platform giving talks wearing clothes that were highly provocative, and others which appeared to have come from the laundry basket. I've heard elders and their wives discuss which houses they would like to take over after harm-aggedon kills everyone "else" as blithely as if they were discussing which sofa to purchase in their current large, expensive house (and you need someone else's why?). I've watched as elders lectured everyone about the need to keep life simple and pioneer, while they buy the newest autos and bigger and fancier houses. I've known young children, boys and girls, who were sexually molested by "brothers" yet not once was any compassion shown to those molested, as all the energies of the elders was spent keeping the incidents buried. One dear friend had two children molested by a jw neighbor (ministerial servant, indeed) and could not get anyone to help her file a police report but was left to deal with a sorely damaged young family alone. That same friend had separated from her husband because he would come home from work at lunch and force her to have sex in the bedroom of the home where she was running a daycare...with infants and toddlers unsupervised in the house. Yet all the "good" witneses shunned her as bad association because she was the one who took action and asked him to leave the house in order to protect the children. I attempted to hire a jw for remodeling work many years ago when I still owned my home, but was refused on the grounds that he no longer worked for any witnesses as he'd had so much trouble getting paid by them. As for clean houses, well I know several pioneers whose living quarters would fit right into a fraternity house.
I could go on and on, as I'm sure many of us could...but the fact remains that No, jws are NOT better behaved than anyone else. In some ways they are much worse as they are so hypocritical about the values they force upon people. What they are better at is churning out the propaganda which promote their ridiculous ideas.
Bungi Bill
"it comes as a surprise when you see how roughly and frumpily dressed local witnesses are"
Good point, Steve2.
The scruffiest individual I ever knew was always"properly" turned out in white shirt, sports coat and tie:
- BUT......... what is that expression you have in New Zealand?
- something about having looked like they had just "been dragged backwards through a gorse hedge"