Meeting after meeeting
by molybdenum 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
A couple of things-
1. The C.O. may be wanting to inform the elders and servants what he wants them to read before they meet later that week.
2. The C.O. may want to give the elders/servants a private opportunity to kiss his ass and give him green handshakes.
3. They may be all excited about some stupid information from "the slave" and want the rumors to start quickly.
I always find it interesting how "in the truth" they have meetings that are ABOUT meetings. - BOC
like there always seems to be the annoucement before the big announcement. Kate xx
Oh, great. Calls on all of the inactive ones. Please don't make me have to explain myself. I'm fine right where I am. Thanks for caring. Good bye.
is the meeting over already, guess i slept thro it
Island Man
So what was the 10 minute meeting about?
It was a talk by CO from GB saying that they wanted all inactive ones to be contacted THAT WEEK.
He then went over a list of inactive ones.
Tell the CO the inactive ones are actually doing important Kingdom business
by spending their time lurking on this site and the solution is to create a
FS category called Special Pioneer Lurkers and then the whole problem would
be solved and the GB will be impressed at the number of hours put in, serving
the interests of the Kingdom.
meeting, meeting, meeting, meeting after the meeting, meeting to prepare for the meeting, meeting to prepare for the co, meeeting after the meeting, meet with the pioneers. meeting to prepare for the meeting with the ms's who are freaking, I mean reaching out. Here a meeting, there a meeting, everywhere a meeting, old Mcjw had a meeting, ei.ei,o.
I was meeting'ed to death as an elber (lol). It got to be endless and senseless. My family got neglected and my wife exasperated. No more meetings for me. ei, ei, o.
just saying!
So it was a meeting to encourage the inactive ones that dont go to the meetings anymore to start going to the meetings again? Ok...