Mr. Spane also mentioned that the thorn in our flesh could be the brother or sister in our congreagation with their own rules. Not the rules found in the bible or in the organizations publications. I was like: Hello, anyone listening?
David Splane in Poland today
by FadeToBlack 15 Replies latest jw friends
So mr splane is a thorn in my flesh.
Mr. Spane also mentioned that the thorn in our flesh could be the brother or sister in our congreagation with their own rules.
WTF?!? The GB's endless rules make the Pharisees look like amateurs.
Btw, the sign language congregations have been using their own business cards for years...offering free sign language videos to the deaf, like a giveaway.
Splane needs to splinter off and start his own ministry.
@cultBgone: " Btw, the sign language congregations have been using their own business cards for years...offering free sign language videos to the deaf, like a giveaway."
Printed by the congragations or official by bethel?