Memorial 2014: Wrong date?

by AnnOMaly 53 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AnnOMaly

    This was meant to have nice inserted pictures and tidy hyperlinks but the forum's being glitchy today. So unfortunately it's going to be a messy post where you're going to have to exercise your tapping fingers and click on the links to the pics to see what I'm referring to. Sorry about that.

    In the article recently studied "Do This in Remembrance of Me" (w13 12/15), there is a box on p. 23 giving the date of this year's Memorial and how that date is arrived at.

    IMAGE (scroll past the gap *sigh*) -

    They say it's doubtful that the new crescent will be seen on March 31 (which would mark Nisan 1) and will more likely be seen the following evening on April 1.

    The Planetary, Stellar and Lunar Visibility program (Google for more info.) indicates otherwise.

    IMAGE -

    So does the Torah Calendar site:

    IMAGE -

    Granted, the new crescent is at the limits of naked-eye visibility, but its orientation (right above the Sun rather than being angled to the side and low to the horizon) and at 1% illumination should make it theoretically possible to see under optimum conditions just before it sets on March 31.

    If so, Nisan 14 would occur at sunset, Sunday April 13, rather than the WT's Monday April 14.

    What is certain, however, is that the WT got 'Jerusalem time' wrong for astronomical new moon on March 30. Jerusalem switches to Daylight Saving Time on March 28 this year, as a look on the timeanddate site will tell you.

    IMAGE -

    And the same site says that new moon actually occurs at 9.45 p.m. Jerusalem time. Oops.

    Does the Writing Department really trace all things accurately - "even insignificant details"? -


  • Phizzy

    So JW's will accidently be "celebrating"*at the same time as our Jewish friends are enjoying seder/passover celebrations ? As Nisan 15 commences ?

    Too funny !

    * not that you can call their doleful, miserable non-participatory sales talk a celebration.

  • KateWild

    Very interesting, your calculations seem to be correct. I wonder if any JWs have worked this out, I bet this will give them pause for thought. Are the GB guided by holy spirit? Some may wake up due to this date error.

    Well done Ann. Love Kate xx

  • will-be-apostate

    I'd call the headquarters if I had international minutes on my cell phone ..just out of curiosity Maybe some of you could..

  • Laika

    Thanks Ann, any ideas on how they got this wrong? I'm sure I've read on here before that this is not the first time they've made this mistake? Weird.


    It seems they have been challenged in the past about being wrong. They always say that everyone else is wrong. I think that you have from sundown to sundown, right? So as long as you are done before the start of Nissan 15, you are good to go. Not that it really matters because it's a farce.


  • sir82

    Don't they usually get it wrong, if not every year, at least very frequently?

    Somehow seems fitting, the organization that has been getting "the end of the world" date wrong for 135 years, continues to get its "most important celebration" date wrong, time and again....

  • notsurewheretogo

    They just explained why they choose the wrong date a few Study issues wife asked me what the study article meant and I must admit it was quite puzzling...

  • TD

    One thing they consistently get wrong (From a Jewish perspective) is that they celebrate just a few minutes into what they believe to be Nisan 14th.

    So sometimes this actually cancels out their other errors.

  • OnTheWayOut

    They probably wanted to make sure it wasn't a Sunday so that nobody had to cancel assemblies this year.

    They could come up with any rule to move it to any day they want:

    "The overlapping-new moon" rule.
    "Ancient Jerusalem had no Daylight-Savings Time" rule.
    "We are one/two years past or prior to Leap Year (or it IS Leap Year) and that adjusts one day" rule.
    "We forgot there was no year Zero when we calculated" rule. (Don't try to understand, just listen, obey, and be blessed.)

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