Removing DO's Will Be a Fatal Mistake

by kneehighmiah 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • kneehighmiah

    Here is an article I looked up about the collapse of the soviet union. Striking similarities.

    Stagnating Economy: The Soviet Union had grown to a size large enough to the point where it became cumbersome to continue state planning. The massive and intricate Soviet economy became too large to manage by state planners, who were unwilling to enable more autonomy at mid-managerial level to remain responsive down to a localized level. This resulted in failed economic policies (failure to respond timely to continuous changes), while thwarting innovation. Managers commonly fudged numbers to show that quotas and goals were being met.

    The recent changes show that the org is failing to allow autonomy at the congregational level. They just stripped away a crucial level of autonomy. The intense levels of micro-management will be their undoing. The local elders have already been turned into unfeeling robots. Now the GB has projected themselves directly into the Kindgom Halls and Assembly halls with modern technology. This gives them the illusion of control. However, many people aren't buying it anymore. Not surprisingly the International Conventions have created a small rebellion.

    Glasnost: With the Soviet public becoming more disenchanted with their secretive government, Gorbachev attempted to compensate by committing to openness and transparency with the media. However, this backfired as the public learned of long-standing political cover ups revealing past and recent atrocities, missteps by leadership, social and health failures of the USSR and the true extent of national economic problems. This further eroded support for the regime.

    Cherynobyl Disaster: The nuclear power plant accident in the Ukraine town of Cherynobyl. It was initially covered up by the Soviet government, compounding the health crisis, while further sowing the seeds of distrust within the constituency, as the extent of the disaster and the cover-up came to light.

    The secretive nature of the organization will soon be blown wide open. The sex abuse lawsuits will be a cherynobyl of sorts. People will no longer trust leadership. Any last minute reforms made by the GB will just lead to people in the West leaving in record numbers.

    Lack of Economic Incentives: The state-planned economic system did not provide sufficient incentives to encourage innovation and ambitious productivity.

    This will be a killer. With the false promise of the end being fully realized, there is no reason to resign yourself to a lifetime of slaving for the WT. All JW children have to look forward to is a life of door knocking and kingdom hall building. More and more children are defecting upon reaching adulthood, depleting the organization of compassionate caring people.

  • kneehighmiah

    Forgot this one.

    Reduced Motivation of Fear: Friendlier relations with the U.S. in the 70s, 80s meant that the general public was no longer completely motivated to strengthen itself against the American threat.

    The Apostate is the great JW enemy. But fear of apostates is shrinking. Many JW are ignoring warnings and viewing apostate teachings from their computers. Stating that you don't believe in the GB will not get you hauled into a comittee anymore, unless of course you tell the elders. Your secret will be safe amongst friends, though they might distance themselves.

  • prologos

    A mistake because the now demoted, but trained and gifted, possibly ambitious, power addicted individual will react and ultimately rise to power again, see oligarchs, and Putin the KGB operative.

    It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living.

  • BU2B

    I can only hope I live to see the end, or great collapse of this discpicable cult. Many people thought the Berlin Wall could never fall, but where is it today? You just never know.

  • frankiespeakin

    Yes I think this one is going to bite them in the ass. Not to mention retiring all old DOs and COs over 70 that one is going to hit them in spades. The left remaining COs will provide access to lot of documents and GB letters.


    Nice work!! Satan and his minions are working overtime..


  • OnTheWayOut

    The worst I see is that disheartened D.O.'s demoted to C.O. will be motivated to fake some congregation numbers on their reports and tell the elders and pioneers to make sure they put enough effort into their "secular" work in case they find themselves with nothing else.

  • frankiespeakin

    I wonder how many of these retirering COs and DOs will be shinning examples of Corporation sponsored Field Service and preaching about the Kingdom of God Matt 24:14 and all. Advertise Advertise Advertise God king and his kingdom@! I see lots of sour grapes on this deal.



    .................................................................The Reality of Watchtower World..


    ........................1975?!..................................Overlapping Generations?!...........................Removing D/O`s?!..


    ................................................................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • smiddy

    I only hope that this move will encourage depleted DO`s to acknowledge the scam , and come on board here to vent their frustrations .

    The same applies to CO`s who are put out to pasture because they have reached the magical ( worldly ) year 70 of retirement .

    Arent jehovahs witnesses , the WTB&TS , on record criticzing christendom for pensioning off their clergy when they reach 70 ? the accepted year of retirement , saying words to the affect , that a true christian (JW ) never retires ? Their in the service until they die ?

    Another backflip ?

    In a way I pity the poor bastards who spent a LIFETIME in service to what they thought was true christianity , but in actuality was the WT corporation , and are now destined for the scrapheap , with no super , no severance pay , no monetary compensation , for what was really a lifetime of employment serving a publishing /real estate empire raking in billions of dollars since its inception in 1879 , under the guise of a not for profit religous organization known as Jehovahs Witnesses.

    If the DO`s and the CO`s have no balls to speak up , maybe the women behind them need to come foreward and speak out , and let their voice be heard for a change .


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