One of my dear loved ones called me. She knows I am DF'd and she wanted to reach out to me. She fell away for a few years, and when she came back I had a study with her before she became active again. We became very close.
We have not been in touch for over a year and when she reached out to me she said that she couldn't be bothered to go to meetings anymore. But she still believes it's the "Truth". My dear friend knows there is something up but doesn't realise it's a cult.
I have a wealth of information, but I don't want to bombard her with lots of facts. I want to tread slowly and steadily. I want to find out what is really at the heart of her wanting to leave, but more importantly I want her to tell me what it is that makes her still believe.
I am going to be her teacher again but teach TTATT this time.
Where can I start? Any advice?
Kate xx