“Didn’t I tell you that there is something wrong with this organization?”

by exWTslave 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • KateWild

    I am not sure about speaking with lost loved ones, but my parents warned us about JWs too just like your grandmother, but with different reasoning. They told us it was a destructive cult. Now we are telling them they were right. Kate xx

  • LongHairGal


    I wish I had your grandmother to talk some sense into me back in the day!

    I too had a problem with the Witnesses' excuse about "evil spirits impersonating the dead, etc.". This would imply there was a never-ending supply of spirit "actors" in another realm just waiting in the wings to impersonate somebody's loved one. While some might argue this is possible, it seemed rather silly to me.

    Although, this was not the reason I left the religion. I left mainly because I could not tolerate the attitudes towards single women and responsible working people and because the 1995 changed teaching on Generation left me feeling my intelligence was insulted one too many times.

  • Fernando

    exWTslave, please give your grandmother a great big hug from me.


    South East Queensland, Australia.

  • exWTslave

    Yesterday when I told my grandma that I was going to quote her in my post, she simply brushed it aside saying: “Mine is very natural, ordinary encounter with the Witnesses—don’t quote me.” Yet I went ahead, and read out to her every comment of you, friends.

    This is what she tells you all:

    “What a fond memory (too precious) you all gave for me to cherish for the rest of my life, even though very few days are left before I die. I feel so light now, and feel proud of you, children of my heart. My love to you all. May God bless you all. I have tasted God’s goodness abundantly in my life, especially after my husband’s premature death, when I had to do everything single-handedly--as my husband assured me 'God took care of me literally.' God loves MORE the fearless, especially people like you!”

  • clarity

    Just scrolling thru jwn before bedtime......so glad I did!

    Isn't that what love ideally is all about ... listening &.

    hearing the really important things that others say, being

    open to another human's ideas & hopes.

    We are all on this journey of life together like it or not.

    Reaching out our hands ......... or not.


    "What a fond memory (too precious) you all gave for me to cherish for the rest of my life, even though very few days are left before I die. I feel so light now, and feel proud of you, children of my heart. My love to you all. May God bless you all"

    Granma ...you reached out your heart to us tonight,

    thank you dear lady.


  • QuestioningEverything

    OMG really?!! evil spirits? PEOPLE STILL BELIEVE THAT CRAP? It's always some old woman from some far off country that remembers

    some incident from childhood. I'm a middle aged man...was a jw for decades and have never heard of anyone of a right mind having

    any experiences with evil spirits. I have heard 100's of stories of old times and demon activity but absolutely no one that personally saw anything..GROW


  • clarity

    Really? ....QuestioningEverything..... this elderly Lady has her

    own ideas. They are what she is choosing to hang on to.

    She graciously & kindly wished us well on 'our' journey.


    "We respect other's beliefs but we are done with organized religion."


    Do you? Really?


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