The "please be seated" post rememded me of our experiences at the last district assemblies we attended.
It was in the Nynex / Manchester Evening News Arena and it was hot ... damn hot. They were obviously being 'cheap' and not paying for the air conditioning to be turned on.
Liam was a baby and was becoming unwell because of the heat. He was overheating badly which is pretty dangerous at that age so we stripped him off and took him out up the steps to the concourse. Now, where was the mother and baby room? Ah ... right down at the bottom on the ground floor - good job there was a lift eh?!
Wrong! Queue 'Mr Attendant' who informs us that we are not allowed to use the lift (?!). He wants me and my wife to struggle down the long run of steps instead of just taking the lift! Asshole. We went in the lift
Now, fast forward a couple of years.
We have a small toddler (Liam) and Angharad is 8 1/2 months pregnant with Dylan (she popped the week after) and again it's too damn hot. Angharad has swollen feet, Liam is bored and restless and I have been reading too many 'apostate' internet sites and every word from the platform grates 'cause I know it's 'bull'.
Ah, the familiar concourse again ... slightly cooler than on the auditorium and look! - an empty seat for my heavily pregnant wife to rest ...
"You can't sit there ... it's for attendants only" said the attendant who had decided to take a break from chatting with his pals to throw his 'official' weight around ("ooh look, they gave me a badge").
The look of shock and horror on his face when I told him firmly but loudly (so it echoed) to "Fuck Off" was *priceless* (yes, I can loose my rag!). If you are that attendant and reading this now I would like to apologies but only if you understand what it's like to have a young family all day at a place where no effort has been made to cater for them.
We don't miss the assemblies at all and I'm glad we don't inflict them on the kids.
A day at the park or the seaside does them more good and brings us together as a family much more than the 'spiritual paradise' (barf) at the assembly ever did.
They really do make themselves 'different form the world: eberywhere else, they offer pregnant ladies a seat.