
by Terry 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    *sigh* Φ !!!!!!

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Only if Splane is the gay lover of the Henschel star drive inventor.

  • prologos

    Include some way for the water to be removed from Mars and used to flood the neighboour planet.

  • Terry

    I will be honest and say I won't buy it.

    I think you should write it though. You are doing something constructive with your time and it is helping you heal, and helping others heal. I would recommend you do other types of market research before you publish it.

    How are your other book sales going?


    If the shoe were on the other foot, I probably wouldn't buy it either since I'm not a Sci-Fi fan.

    But--I hope to write it in such a way it can be enjoyed on a kind of Meta-level.

    The sales on my book I WEPT BY THE RIVERS OF BABYLON haven't hit a goose egg yet. I bet if I really jumped on the publicity bandwagon I'd see

    thrilling results :)

    Back to the Sci-Fi idea . . .I'm thinking of putting out THE MONORAILS of MARS as an Audio Book download as cheaply as can be done.

    That might make a difference in enjoyability. Would that change your mind?

  • KateWild

    Would that change your mind?- Terry

    At the moment I am going through a phase of reading philosophy and Steven Hassan. My next purchase will probably be something by Bart Ehrman. But who knows Terry I might change my mind by the time you fished writing it.

    Kate xx

  • crmsicl

    There are so many books I want to read, so little time. I'm not big on sci-fi either but if Ldrnomo had it laying around I would check it out.

  • Terry

    The interesting and fun part of writing this book is the SteamPunk aspect.

    I'm integrating the history of the WTS and its founder and Presidents into the overall plot.

    Instead of the Watch Tower being preoccupied with simply End Times predictions it is specifically centered around

    predicting MARTIAN INVASION of Earth as the Great Tribulation and its precurser Martian fever (like the Spanish influenza).

    steam·punk ˈstēmˌpəNGk/ noun

    1. 1. a genre of science fiction that typically features steam-powered machinery rather than advanced technology.

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