So would you accept that as true? Or would you test it to see if it is, indeed, truth?
If the bible said two plus two equals 5 or 2 how would u respond, believers?
by Jon Preston 15 Replies latest jw friends
better yet post a claim the bible says that you compare to your analogy and we'll let you know if we believe it's true or not.
Jon Preston
Bible claims that Noah put all kinds of animals by twos on his ark....but where are the dinos? Kangaroos, howd they get home? Was the world one supercontinent in Noahs time? If so numbers are way off hence 2+2=5....meaning the desired outcome of the scriptures doesnt fit logically....thats just the first example i thought off the top of my head...
I would say that the bible is not a math textbook
And the dinosaurs all got together and decided to commit mass dinosuicide rather than get on the humungus boat the crazy old dude was building.
You big silly.
Well, it already does say that 3 = 3.1416, and Bible inerrantists have no problem with it, so it's not that big a leap to 2+2=5.
1 Kings 7:23
New International Version (NIV)
23 He made the Sea of cast metal, circular in shape, measuring ten cubits from rim to rim and five cubits high. It took a line of thirty cubits [a] to measure around it.
There are plenty of real examples you could have used where the bible is outrightly wrong on history, science, geography, logic, or is even self contradicting.
Despite this, be prepared for claims that the bible is not a....
history book
science book
geography book
perfect book
infallible book
......the irony being, they will go bananas if you call it fiction. Nevermind the mess of asking how you know which bits are right or wrong. They just know!
Some people don't want to face reality. Thats ok too. The life of pi was a great film that made a great point.
Obviously, fundamentalists would respond 2 + 2 = 5 and unfortunately, they have the loudest voices. This would not apply to millions of others who are not inerrantists.
Reminds me of one spot in COC where Ray mentioned overhearing one of the hardcores at Bethel say, "If the Watchtower said the sky was red, I'd believe it!"
keyser soze
I would say that the bible is not a math textbook
I beg to differ. With simple mathematics you can calculate that the Gentile times ended in 1914. Surely you're not suggesting that the WT pulled that equation out of its ass.
Member: emeth
Joined: 5 months ago
Location: Scranton PA.
Year of Birth: 1914
Biography: Emeth is a JW scholar, and a defender of "The Truth." Emeth is a believer in anything the WT magazine says.
Emeth says, " 2+2=5, because the Governing Body are able to interpret the "actual" value of 2. For those truth-seekers with the right heart condition, those righteously inclined, the indisputable fact that 2 can vary in "actual" value is no mystery, but a revealed "truth."