Last night, me and my wife were watching some The Simpsons episodes. We both laugh and enjoy that serie. But just in this one, my wife face was serious and even uncomfortable. It was the "Joy of Sect", episode 191 of the 9 season (thanks wikipedia!!) If one of you already see that episode, its not difficult to identify some things that the JW do. The propaganda, the brainwashing, the "you´re free to go whenever you want" (while you´re are exposed, and have to sort a lot of dangers to get free); the "repetitive and meaningless song to program minds", the entire devotion to The Leader (aka GB/F&DS) who knows all; the promise of Bleassing Land, that planet of joy for the followers.
My wife is a DF´d who still thinks that the JW are right. My little efforts to show her TTATT is with this kind of things. I made some commentaries about all resemblances from the sect perspective, i hope that some day, she wake up completly. We have a son, and we agreed about the throw him birthdays parties each year. Thats a start....