Need advice, really wanna play COD

by DuvanMuvan 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • DuvanMuvan

    Well my ps3 is downstairs because I had no idea how good games looked on TVs that WEREN'T older than you are and I've run into a problem. My mum doesn't know that I have "bad" games like COD, gta 5, legend of zelda and Final Fantasy (Yeah ik last two aren't that bad but loads of religious stuff and magic) and it's getting harder to keep it a secret.

    I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas on how I should go about this. Should I just wait a while and slowly introduce the idea to my mum that I play these games or should I just come out and play them and act like it'a nothing?

    I'm only 15 (bought gta from a friend and cod on the ps store), stopped going to meetings a few weeks ago and my mum is still an active jw. She respects my beliefs but obviously her house her rules so I'm not sure what will happen when she finds out. She's seen me franctically skip through a cutscene in LOZ and whenever I'm on gta online and she's in the room I'll just drive around a lot and pretend it's a driving game.

  • Laika

    There are far too many acronyms in this thread mate! I think I'd go with act like it's nothing and try to avoid getting violent in game when she's watching.

  • snare&racket

    Ha ha,,,,,, the age old problem of playing games downstairs as a JW.

    Option one, save up and buy a tv/monitor. They are a decnt price now. Or...... I have a cheap projector (cheaper than tv) and even though it is only 800x800 it runs a 720p widescreen and it is fantastic. I have a 42 inchHD Sony TV in the next room and I prefer the projector. Great for Netflix too!

    OPtion 2, despite the oculus rift and SonyVR being a long way off, you can buy tv headsets for consoles, though in honesty I don't know about res or price.

    Option 3, man up and just admit you play cod (buy an xbox like a real man so then I can kick yr ass on MP)

    Option 4, be quick at pressing alt and tab (my Half Life as a JW favourite), or on a console 'reset'.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi DuvanMuvan, Start working either as an animal or child sitter or handyman around the nieghborhood. Eventually transition to other forms of work, so that you can afford to buy a TV/computer for your room and to save money incase your Mum kicks you out for not going to the KH.

    No matter what remember to be respectful to your Mum, whether she is a JW or not, and play less video games and make more real non-JW friends.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • DuvanMuvan

    lol snare I'll skip the second part of option 3 because most of my friends have ps3 but I do like halo to be fair

    sorry about the acronyms guys just trying to appeal to the "young ones" like the gb tell us to do

    jeez lousie just realised I've already passed 100 posts

    ABS my mum is pretty lenient when it comes to some things so I doubt she'll kick me out. Even when I was a jw she was the one who first told me about going to university when I was old enough before I found out it was "bad". And I just realised something that's actually pretty shocking. My mum, a fully active, fully dubbed dub, allowed her only son to watch south park from the age of 10 years old. As long as the swearing was bleeped out.

  • snare&racket

    "play less video games"

    As a 33 year old doctor who loves to chill out with a bit of Far Cry, GTA, Tropico, Battlefield or Forza.... PLAY ON !

    It is good for your brain, good for your motor skills and great for your team work development :D

    Just be sure to get the minimum daily dose of Vitamin D !


    P.s. Everyone games today be it on their Iphone or in their home. It is officially bigger than the movie industry now. If you don't game, go get started, you are missing out!

    Also... Virtual Reality has just arrived.......

  • DuvanMuvan

    I'm not good enough to be a shut in gamer kinda guy. You can only take so much of people screaming and calling you noob before you get bored

  • quellycatface

    Hey. My son who is 13yrs LOVES all of these games. The key is to find a balance. Don't let it take over your life or reality.

    We all need an escape but don't make it all of your recreation time.

    Get a little job, volunteer or get a new hobby. A friend of mine recently started her own cake business, as she always loved baking.

    You can do it.

  • snare&racket

    Of course.... I'm a coupe, of hours a week guy.... Iv hardly completed a game in 30 years and get bored after 20 mins of pkaying, but enjoy it, if you...enjoy it!

  • CookieMonster

    Mate, first of all you should be 18 to play COD and GTA even by worldly standards, though I think COD multiplayer is OK for 15. Your mum will be shocked if she finds out so best not to do it.

    When I was a teener I loved playing Street Fighter 2 (showing my age) but was told off by an elder. But frankly there was so much gross violence in my daily bible reading, throwing hadoukens in street figheter was so tame! I still find it funny the double standards that exists.

    By the way, I'm more disappointed you are a COD fan, BattleField > COD all the way baby!

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