With the hip, we usually find 1 of 4 things, osteo/rheumatoid arthritis, trochanteric bursitis or trauma.
Sounds like rheumatoid more than osteo to me (pain after inactivity)....but osteo is more common.
Do you get joint stiffness and pain in the morning, that improves after an hour? That is a history of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Get doctor to check ESR levels and RF levels. Harder to see on xray, as it connective tissue synovial damage not bone, but a skilled radiologist will see it.
It is usually a spot diagnosis, i.e. Visible signs as the patient sits in front of you talking.
Usually symmetrical on the body sides (both hips sore?) and if in the hands (usually is) does NOT affect the last joint in the fingers (distal interphalangeal's = Nearest your finger nails)
Are your knuckles more swollen and tender, redder, than usual? Clench your fists and see if the 'valleys" between your knuckles are deeper than usual?
Any lumps or bumps as you slide your hands down the underside of your forearm ....from your elbow to your wrist? (Rheumatoid nodules)
Alternatively is could be early osteoarthritis.. if in the hands, the last joint in your fingers ARE involved. usually large (non tender) swellings on the finger joints, usually symmetrical to both sides, more obvious on xray, just wear and tear everyone gets it, usually hips and knees and hands affected. if you lie down on your back, both legs out straight, lift your left knee up to your chest.....keeping your knee still move your foot outwards off the bed, this internal rotation causes pain with osteoarthritis>rheumatoid.
...or it could be the trochanteric bursitis (inflammation of the surrounding hip joint sheath), usually very sore, hot pain, one side of the body, doesnt usually last 4 years......the trouser hem that goes down your outer thigh, press about 4 inches down that line from your hip, if it is very tender, this is indicated. (Check a good 4 inches above and below to be sure you dont miss it).
snare x
Hope it helps a little.
(Completed all my medical exams, qualify in summer, so still a trainee doctor)