There are a few collectibles I am wanting to sell. My concern is that if I accept payment w/ credit card, etc, that I ship the item and they either open it (destroying the value), or just lie about not getting it, or any other thing to cause Ebay/Amazon to chargeback. I was wondering if anybody sells on them is there a protection for sellers and how often does that type of thing happen?
Anybody have experience selling on Ebay or Amazon?
by EndofMysteries 11 Replies latest jw friends
I sell all the time. Most of the protection that ebay offers is towards the buyer, for natural reasons. So yes you can get screwed. One time i sold an iphone, outside the country and the buyer claimed he never received it, so ebay refunded him my money.
You need to protect yourself by insuring the value of the item with whoever you ship it with. So if the buyer claims he never received it, although you need to refund, you can still get your money back.
I'm sure that ebay monitors for buyers who claim they don't receive items and they may act if there is a pattern, but usually you just have to refund the money.
Mostly use common sense and you will be fine.
It is best to have some dialogue with the buyer to feel them out a bit. If something seems fishy it usually is.
Also from experience paypal is pretty tight with their customers. A person with a good standing with paypal is almost always legit.
I have sold thousands of items through amazon, ebay, and websites.
I am in the U.S. Very few problems overall.
Largest percent of problems were with out-of-the-country purchases either directly or through freight forwarders.
Thanks a lot for the input! It definitely makes me feel a bit more comfortable. I was wondering if I should trust the credit card payments or do between payment first (in which the customer probably wouldn't feel comfortable sending a check,etc, prior to shipment) or a COD option. But glad to know it's usually fine except the out of country ones.
Iown Mylife
I haven't had any problems selling on eBay, I only accept paypal payments and only sell to US. Also only ship priority mail.
Hi, EOM --
I've sold for years on eBay and for about a year on Amazon. eBay protects you when you use their PayPal service, just be certain to insure collectibles and keep receipts. It's really easy now as you can purchase your postage through eBay/PayPal and they can check the tracking if needed.
And with collectibles...bubble wrap is your best friend, be sure to use as many of the 12 free pictures if you can, and describe every flaw on every piece you list. People love that you're honest. I sold Murano glassware from the 50s and 60s for quite awhile and never had anything arrive damaged or broken, even delicate pieces. Usually collectors are just thrilled to get the piece and don't try to con you.
Amazon doesn't have a very friendly dispute process, in my opinion. But on some things, you can get better prices there so it can be worth it.
Barrold Bonds
I would also suggest opening a separate bank account AT A DIFFERENT BANK for Paypal. They are known to take funds from bank accounts to cover refunds if the paypal account is short that amount.
Basically Paypal (and ebay) are evil horrible companies so assume they will do everything in their power to fuck you over.
Great advise Barrold. They won't even close my unwanted paypal account.
Sam Whiskey
I would NEVER sell on eBay again. Got screwed roayally by a buyer, he was a professional scam artist. Here's how it worked; A guy buys some equipment from me (about $2,000.00 worth) using a credit card. He then receives the product and tells me that "this is not the product that was advertised in the photos." I tell him that it certainley was the very same equipment in the photo. I tell him I'll pay the freight if he'll send it all back. After that, I never hear from him again.
He then proceeds to call his credit card company to complain about the purchase, and that it was not what was advertised. Since the credit card company has a policy to cover the cost if the buyer is not satisfied they then reverse the charges from Paypal through which the payment was made.
Here's the catch, Paypal then came back to me demanding $2,000.00 in payment because the credit card reversed the charges for their customer. I order to prevent ruining my credit, I had to pay Paypal $2,000.00 and...I lost all of my equipment.
$2,000.00 in equipment gone. $2,000.00 in cash gone. Ebay...never again.
Through my work, some publishers send me new releases for reviews and stuff. When I'm through, I usually donate the books to causes I support around town (annual fundraising garage sales, friends of the library, etc.).
In these lean times, I'm wondering if it would be worthwhile to try to sell them through Amz. Anyone just do books? Would it be worth it you think?