The great flood happened about 13,000 years ago....

by EndofMysteries 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Finkelstein

    Whether you believe it as the bible says or not, there are flood stories across ancient civilizations all over the world. Whatever happened about 13,000 years ago, there were massive flooding happening all over the world.

    Wow like there hasn't been any great devastating floods in the past few centuries.

    and you know what, when there were devastating floods in different areas around the world, other ancient civilizations thought their own

    specific god was responsible for those floods as well.

    The mythological story of Noah's flood was created to establish relevance and power toward the ancient Hebrew god YHWH.

    Thats all EOM

  • kaik

    Problem with the Flood that it happened in very short geological frame, only 4200 years ago. Any even on this magnitute, and global, will be still impacting the Earth. The K-T boundary that divides the age of dinosaurs from mammals lasted several hundred thousands years and we can pinpoint it to +/-65 million of years. We know various Ice ages by the glaciation like Wurm or Wisconsin that happened tens of thousands of years ago. 4200 years is very short time, and the effect of the global flood will be still present. Yet Chinese, Egyptian civilization do not point into sudden end of their civilization. Dynasties had changed, but not entire civilization world wide had disappeared. Global Flood is nothing than myth.

  • Vidiot

    "Global Deluge" sounds so much more enticing than "Post-Ice-Age Melt".

  • kaik

    Problem with postglacial flood is that it was a process that took several thousands of years. Water level did not start to rise globally in the matter of one generation. Each continent and region experienced different maximum of glacier. In Europe the glacier covered everything north of Belgium-Czech Republic-Slovakia until 12000BC during the Wurm and Vistulian maximum. American ice shield melted sooner by several thousands years (5-8K years). This was long timespan for humans to observe.

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