You really need to get yourself out of that assembly promise. Imagine 3 straight days of talks! Agony.
Going to a meeting for the first time in a while- love bombing expected
by DuvanMuvan 18 Replies latest jw friends
Laika the hotel room was booked the day as the announcement was made at the kh and she isn't gonna leave me on my own for a whole weekend. It'll be alright though because I can tune things out pretty easily according to her.
One of the things they love to talk about in my kh with me is school. I can't wait to tell them that I'm planning on going to Uni in a few years and they can't even go behind my back and try to get my mum to talk me out of it because she's the one who suggested it. While I was still "in the truth" as well
Lots of good advice as usual and as usual you will need to select what is best for you. My 2 cents worth: if you go, smile, be polite and engaging to everyone and do not say anything negative about the Borg. And almost all of them mean well, so there is no need to show angst to the RIF.
JW meetings are mind numbingly boring even when you believe; once you stop beleving they are painful. I hope you can act. If not simply think of something pleasant while you are there or slyly check out the hotties in the congregation sisters. Do anythhing to keep from showing your distaste of what is being taught/said. The Borg are like the creatures from the Invasion of the Body Snatchers; they will rat you out if they see you rolling your eyes at the droning coming from the platform.
You have my respect young one. You are strong. Good luck.
My children were in the same situation as you are. I stopped asking them to come to meetings but did have them come to memorial and assemblies.
Part of the reason was because I did not want to go husband is not jw.
Another reason was it made me feel less like I was failing my kids. Remember we are taught that as parents we are responsible for our minor childrens lives. It was our responsibility to teach our children or they would DIE!!
So I would hope that something they heard would plant a seed.
Ironically the opposite happened. My daughter started asking questions and making respectful observations that made ME start to think.
So hang in there, and help your mother out.
Miss Fit your reasons are the exact same as my mum's
My reasons came from a place of love. We try to do the best we can. My children came out of respect for me. Also I always tried to turn it into a fun time. As you know there is very little celebrations and special occasions sanctioned by the org.
I really appreciated the conscessions my children made. So at the conventions I would put my daughter in charge of finding something fun for us to do.
Could you talk to your mom about turning the convention time into a mini holiday?
As for the love bombing: my children were polite and respectful. If people said how nice to see you here. They would smile and say thank you.
Is there 1 or 2 people there you can relate to and be able to make small talk with? After saying hi could you wait outside or in the bathroom for awhile?
DuvanMuvan - "I'm not baptised so they can't combat my apostacy with a DF so they're still trying to convert me with the same tricks they use on people new to the religion. They don't like the idea that someone is going around telling his school friends about everything wrong with the religion without being shunned by his family."
You know, you're pretty damn smart for a young guy...
...this isn't the first time someone's suggested that the WTS likes to get young people dunked ASAP so that if they ever learn the Truth Abouth the Truth afterward, it's too late; they can be DFed before they can blab "contaminate" the congregation.
DuvanMuvan - "I've sat through enough ministry school sisters 'talks' to know bad acting when i see it."
Ironic, considering that in its own way, the WTS has created a veritable army of individuals who - IMO -have become experts at maintaining pretense.
Miss.Fit - "Ironically the opposite happened. My daughter started asking questions and making respectful observations that made ME start to think."
History is rife with examples of parents who feel as if - one way or another - their kids saved them, rather than the other way around.
You're in distinguished company.
Band on the Run
I stopped going after my father died. My mom told me to get ready. It was the 1960s. In the US, I saw civil rights demonstrators being beat in the South. I told her there was only one way she would ever get me to attend. The police would have to drag me in chains. I placed my hands in front as tho I were handcuffed and sang Bob Dylan songs and We Shall Overcome. Next, I asked her if a local judge would have me dragged at 16. I was no longer two or three. I even thought what I would say to the press.
She said I could stay home. They attended the meeting. I stayed home and played Beatles and Stones music. It was the last meeting they attended. I had a flair for the dramatic.
Oh, I was driven around by SDS, a radical group. The city kids used them as a taxi service. I knew that students had some rights.