I am currently having a study with a pioneer couple to try to reactivate me and get me back into the congregation. They have asked me to really think about the provision of the ransom sacrifice. In doing so I have gone back to basics and have already hit a few questions I am thinking of raising. I know I tend to think a little off the wall so would be interested in your ideas before looking very silly in my next study :)
So, Satan was the instigator of sin not Adam but Satan was not sentenced to sickness and suffering. I realise he doesn't have a physical body so can not expirience physical pain but that raises the question of why humans need to suffer pain? We tell people that Jehovah doesn't cause suffering but making a wrong moral decision (rebellion against Jehovah ) could only lead to physical decay if that is what God chose, hence is he not in fact the cause of human suffering?
Taking that a separate further, what about animals? If they are not affected by the rebellion why do they suffer? I can accept it was never God's plan for them to live forever but why do they go through so much pain and sickness? Is this part of the perfect creation? If so then maybe physical suffering isn't so appalling to God?
Of course most of you don't believe in any of this stuff anymore but if you will houmour me I am interested in what sort of response I will get if I ask this question?