There are several major doctrines that the Watchtower strictly
holds but cannot publically acknowledge or openly teach.
Here are a few:
1) Women are not allowed to have equal authority with men.
Their status or rank is secondary and inferior.
2) Homosexuality is evil - they won't condemn it openly, especially
at assemblies because they could get charged with hate speech.
3) Governments ,and by extension officials, are servants of the
Devil. They can't say this openly because it could cause
disaster in courtrooms.
4) Witnesses who take blood transfusions will be excommunicated.
The offense of taking blood is still listed in the "Pay Attention
elder manual as a df'ing offense.
5) Witnesses who join any countries' armed forces - or attempt
to do so are automatically excommunicated.
6) Witnesses are not permitted to lose faith in the Watchtower
Society, openly disagree with its doctrines or policies,
or admit that any other existing religion can lead people
into God's favor. All human problems such as starvation,
disease, and injustice will be solved at Armageddon because
God is going to kill everyone living that isn't a Witness.
Currently, that's 99.9% of the human race.
7)The Watchtower leadership is permitted by God to deceive and
lie to protect itself. This is the 'Theocratic War Strategy'
doctrine - it has never been repudiated since it was adopted
by Rutherford many decades ago.
Too bad they don't have a 'truth in advertising ' law for
Needless to say, the absence of these 'truths', openly expressed,
has turned many Watchtower publications into vacuous mush.
What once was a heavy weight title match has now become
shadow boxing.
I say you can't sustain an ideology with "wink-wink, nudge-nudge"
teaching forever - eventually you have an organization
"limping upon two opinions" and the separateness/radicalism
just drains away.
Meanwhile, the Witness Emperors strut thru streets naked,
while the children point and laugh...