Boy, this gets more interesting as I 'go':
by sf 14 Replies latest jw friends
Boy, this gets more interesting as I 'go':
Lovely chatting with you too.
You too babe.
There is a song that has lyrics that say...' i know the pieces fit, i watched them fall'.
Yahooooooooooooooo, sKally
"The 'Quarters' often refer to the elements of nature that are forces honored by Pagans and Witches. They are named many things, but you will often hear them referred to as corners, quarters, Watchtowers, elements, Elementals, etc. All of these related titles have different meanings and represent different forms of energy"
"But few will hear the secrets hidden within the notes."--Rumi
PS. Greetings Saint Satan. The tapes are coming your way this weekend.
how wild!
Annie Besant at the "" crusaded for "free thought" and "birth control".......geez, in the 1870's?.....tried to pass her adopted son off as the "new Messiah"
I have to go read more....