Reborn: That's terrible. I'm sure that really hurt. There is absolutely no excuse for such behavior - EVEN if one believes that disfellowshipping IS a scriptural concept! It is mean-spirited and self-righteous! NOWHERE in the scriptures are we given the green light to treat people with such rudeness and cruelty. And there is something wrong with a person who could justify such behavior in his mind and actually believe he is pleasing God by treating someone in such a way! SS
My Experience Today with My Brother
by Reborn2002 46 Replies latest jw friends
your brother has the rest of his life to remember his words to you....though he thinks that Armageddon is "right around the corner," years from now he will realize that he kept his son from a uncle that truly loved him, for absolutely no other reason then a MAN-MADE ORGANIZATION told him too.
I watched this organization break a grandfather's heart by requesting he not attend his only grandchild's wedding. why? because it would make the "brothers" uncomfortable with a df'ed person there. The grandfather is deceased now, and the grandson is df'ed..... -
Sorry to hear. It does sound like that was a planned little rant. Try to remember that he's brainwashed. Maybe one day you'll both be sitting around with your nephew shaking your heads over how dumb you both were to have bought all that crap.
I'm so sorry to hear about the way your brother treated you.
You made the right decision in not "throwing down" with him. It was really good that your nephew got to see the way you acted as opposed to the way your brother acted.Lizard
I'm sorry that happened to you and your nephew, like the others have said you really did the right thing by walking away from the situation. I have 5 sisters and all with the exception of 1 have kids, we have had our battles and done some pretty shitty things to each other but no matter WHAT was going on between the adults our children were and are ALWAYS shared and loved, NEVER brought into anything negative.
Once a situation almost identical to yours happened (moms house, sisters baby toddling to me) only as much as sis and I were hating each other then, she was glad I was loving my niece. No matter what the contentions between 5 sisters and I over the years, the sharing of the children has never been affected. But then we all 'fell away' from the 'truth'.
I'm sure there's a connection there.
March On said don't lose hope for your brother seeing the light and I have to say when I first read your post I got the distinct feeling that in all probability he WILL.
It honestly might happen quicker if you refrain from talking to him or any witnesses in your family about it, it probly just makes them defensive. But you know yur family situation best . . . just a thought. Sad to say but when he withheld your nephew from you it was probably more defending his god than protecting his son.
Chin up and all that if he's any kind of decent person (I'm sure he is or you wouldn't try to help him see the light), he'll think on what he did and feel badly for it.
Just take care of you,
i HATE when people use innocent little niƱos
as pawns to make their point. i've seen this far too often
in the so-called "truth".it was so unFRIKKINnecessary for your brother to do that
in front of your nephew.i'm so glad you kept your kewl, cuz kids are so matter what is said...
no matter how young
i'm sure your nephew can see/feel thru to your love
(and his father's lack thereof in this situation).my heart bleeds for you where your
nephew (y hermano) are concerned.
tuff times.hugs.
I'm so sorry. Regardless of what your brother says you just KEEP ON HUGGING your little nephew every chance you get. Even if it's when Brother isn't looking. You are well aware of the life that little one has ahead of him. He is going to need all that he can get.
Hi Reborn, first I'd like to say that I think its amazing that your nephew can walk and he's only half a year old.
Witnesses have tunnel vision and they can only see what the watchtower allows them to see. The pity of it hits home when its a family member. Don't lose hope. Its just possible that something will happen and he will realize the folly of his actions. I hope so!
I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience with your brother. I don't know which is worse, having those words said to you or just being completely ignored. I've been a victim of being completely ignored by my brother, who is an elder and HLC member. He will just sit there and look right through me as if I were not there. He won't say a word to me at all.
I'm glad that even thought you may have been tempted to say something back to him, that you didn't. You kept your cool and were able to walk out with your head held high. Hug your nephew and show him love every time you see him and don't be afraid to do so. One of these days your nephew will catch on. He may be just a little tyke now, but one day he will grow up and see what's right and what's wrong.
Sincerely, Cynthia
I am terribly saddened by your story..and I feel so terrible for the little boy. He is going to grow up not knowing any other way to think and not knowing how to's really all such a shame. I hope, like someone said earlier, that your nephew was able to perceive your love for him and maybe he will reject the WTS teachings as he gets older. I hope and pray that it happens. Until then keep your chin up, and thanks for sharing.
A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.