by ARoarer 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • one

    bathoryank out your post.

  • Pureheart

    Hey Bathory,

    the way you lashed out Farkel remind me the members of the congregation that I was raised in.


  • outcast


    Don't worry, premature ejaculation happens. It's nothing to be ashamed about.

  • Farkel

    Bathory makes up shit:

    I said:

    : The Brooklyn Eagle has had a hard-on for the WTS for a long, long time. The WTS owns some of the most expensive real estate in the City and pays zip in property taxes.

    Bathory said I said:

    : : He unequivocally has stated as if a fact, that WT do not pay ( zip ) property taxes on their real estate empire.


  • Valis

    Hey Bathory try this website out and then shove it somewhere...


    District Overbeer

  • Derrick
    Hey Bathory try this website out and then shove it somewhere...


    District Overbeer

    I went to that link, and this is all I found on that site:

    At this link, under "Notable Areas/Points of Interest" section, the first listing is "World Headquarters – Jehovah’s Witness Watchtower Society" followed by the second listing "Brooklyn Bridge / Brooklyn Promenade" and etcetera.

    I searched every department at the site you gave at and this one hit on their search engine is all that came up. It was a wild goose chase. I guess that's why you told Bathory to try and then shove it up her, well, you know where? It's a dry link, nothing there I could find. Certainly my time and the collective time of other readers is more valuable, or do you want to help out this site's readership and point to the exact link you were referring?


    To see a World in a Grain of Sand
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
    And Eternity in an hour.

    -- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)

  • Valis

    The link works for me...its the New York City Tax Record for 25 Columbia Heights. No taxes paid or owed. The link works for me, but I'll post it again, just the way I found it.


    District Overbeer

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Thanks Valis:

    I saw the statement from your link just fine. It clearly shows the assessed value of the property at 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn and the taxes billed as $0.

    This link also shows the property classed as "Religious Dormitory" and therefore under the "Exempt" category as seen at this link:

    So I'd still like to see Bathory's proof positive to back up his/her claim that the WTS pays taxes. Remember...Bathory said:

    they pay several 100,000's per year. If banana breath classes that as zip, well........

    Had Enough

    "Never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world.
    Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
    ...Margaret Mead

  • jst_me

    I couldnt find the newspaper online, but I did find some interesting articles:

  • Farkel


    : Hey FARKEL you unappreciative buck tooth self confessed loser.

    There's nothing to be "unappreciative about," liar. I'm not a self-confessed loser, I'm an honest guy who's been through some hard times in the last while. Would be that you would be so honest. I know more about you than I would like to know.

    Hey Bathory, you still own me $1,700 US dollars over a bet you made well over a year a ago and a bet I won. Moreover, you said PUBLICLY ON H20 That I WON that bet, and you STILL haven't paid me, and I doubt that you will ever pay me. You are dub. Dubs are liars. You are a dub. Get the relationship, between dubs and lying, Bathory?

    I don't have buck-teeth, either. And I have all my teeth, too. (Just for the record.)

    I said

    : " The WTS owns some of the most expensive real estate in the City and pays zip in property taxes ".

    Then YOU said:

    : Ummm, what makes you think that ?? Can you qualify that claim, or is that off the cuff ( or outa your arse ?? ).

    : I KNOW otherwise, but ill ask you, prove it !

    : Youl get whiplash if you keep pullin it so hard !!

    You've already been spanked by the facts posted. Or are you too arrogant or stupid to read them, Bathory?

    : Everything is relative......

    Not you. You are always the asshole.

    Then you said, in your infinite wisdom:

    : G'Day PawPaw

    : You see mate, Ol' Douglass there has made a statement, NOT an observation or an opinion. He unequivocally has stated as if a fact, that WT do not pay ( zip ) property taxes on their real estate empire.

    : I know this to be false, they pay several 100,000's per year. If banana breath classes that as zip, well........

    : Because he has made this statement, and tendered it to the board as fact, like others here i would / should ask that he provide us with a bases to his claim.

    Done, Bathory. Read the comments in the thread where you posted your challenge. Your move. Grovel, or lose whatever credibility you had. Nah! You hever had any to begin with. You were just full of shit from the get-go.

    You go on to bury yourself:

    : Was it overheard by him as part of a conversation 2 middle management bethelite's were having over a piss whilst he was instigating a toilet cubicle @ brooklyn ??

    : Or did Randy or Mr Blizzard tell him, and he then assume that maybe these blokes must really know ??

    : He may have info from the relevant goverment department, it is public knowledge you know.

    Bathory is pissing all over himself here.

    You then said:

    : Maybe he is propagting a lie, unbeknown to himself ??

    Maybe Bathory should change his clothes at this point. Pee-in-the-pants is messy.

    And more Bathory stupidity follows:

    : He now quotes me:

    : " Brooklynites who are informed have little or no respect for the WTS and its multi-national printing Corporation headquarted in their City. "
    And then says:

    : Now that is a weak statement, BUT it is hearsay, he can spin that crap without proof. It does however diminish even further his perceived image as a serious and intelligent poster, certainly though only to those ones amoungst us that are " informed " by his standards.

    I concede, Bathory. It would be a weak statement in a trial of law. I will not reveal my sources. Sorry. You win on this one. Sorta.

    : In any event, i know he wont mind me asking, its in his nature to be detailed. Anyhum, do i not have the right to question your primadona's ??

    Yes, Bathory. It is in my nature to be detailed. but I won't reveal my trusted sources. The only bone you have to pick with me and which I won't answer in this entire issue is my statement that well-informed Brooklynites have little or no respect for the WTS! Shoot! people at Bethel have been upset by WT crap for over sixty years, dummy!

    Then Bathory concludes by:

    : You can see now PawPaw that the onus is not on me to tell you what i know.

    I'm not the least bit interested in what you know. You owe me money, and you are a liar.

    : Am i being unreasonable peoples ??

    Unreasonable? Yes.. Stupid. Yes.

    : Everything is relative......

    Stupid. Stupid is always stupid.

    I will dog you until you keep your agreement with me, Bathory. I worked for 36 hours straight to solve your puzzle, and I solved your puzzle, and you didn't pay me what you promised. The solution to that puzzle filled three legal-sized pages and I got it. Uncle Bruce had to dog you and visit you to keep your agreement and you tossed out a few bucks from your pocket and said that was all you had. That was well over a year ago.

    When you posed that puzzle you said you had money oozing out of your Armani suits and 2k US was NOTHING for you. Of course it was NOTHING for you. You lie and lying is NOTHING for you.

    The whole world can now see your lie and that you are a fake and a fraud and a dub-liar.

    You also don't have your facts straight about the WTS and property taxes in Brooklyn, NY. You lose on all counts, Bathory. Now go back to your bat-cave and live with your peers.


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