Oh joy of joys my SAD is tomorrow.. I will be taking notes, but of fallacies used, outrageous demos, contadictory statements etc. I will share my thoughts here. The good part of this was a cancelled midweek meeting and the fact its only one day.
My aptly named SAD is tomorrow, I will be taking notes..
by BU2B 10 Replies latest jw friends
Hang in there and we appreciate your diligent notes brutha!
I wonder if they'll have that demo where the brother turns down a promotion because he's worried it will interfere with his meeting attendance? I only heard that one about 8 times which was just never enough to get the point.
Or an amazing experience where someone brings in twelve people from gangs and drug dealer netowrks while working at manning a JW.ORG stand on the side of the train station....
or some stupid variation of that.....!
I bet you find it a hugely alienating experience..... I feel sorry for you and my thoughts are with you as you sit in the lions den. Real ignorant, mind controlled lions...
snare x
Notes are VERY much appreciated. I really do use them.
I wonder if they'll have that demo where the brother turns down a promotion because he's worried it will interfere with his meeting attendance?
Amazing. I've only been to 15 meetings and I've already seen this doozy.
As a non-jw I have a lot more leeway so, with a confused look I turned to the stranger next to me and asked , "So... why doesn't he go to another mid-week service at another Hall that offers a daytime service?"
Annoyed, she retorted, "We don't have service in the daytime and it's because he has to go where he's assigned!"
A few seconds later, I responded, "Why doesn't the Watchtower provide services during the day? The Vatican does. And about this assignment, if you're all saying the same thing, what difference does it make to God if you go on a different day?"
I was promptly hushed.
I really like your reasoning neverknew!
Very sound thinking...how strange the responses of the faithful hey!
"no, you must go to your own assigned hall so you can be checked up on regularly and looked at critically. If you go to another hall, you may slip between the cracks. Can't have that now can we"?
dazed but not confused
Four hours ago you started this thread. Your SAD is tomorrow and this week your midweek meeting is canceled. But I thought you said you had a talk for this weeks meeting and that thread is 12 hrs old?
OMG I am so distressed. I have a talk coming up on Tuesday > http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/277530/1/I-need-help-Talk-coming-up-and-I-need-ideas-fast#.UzePRFfDW7g
What am I missing?
edit to add: unless you mean next tuesday. Im sick so maybe im not thinking clearly.
Dazed & confused, it's the meeting before the assembly that's usually cancelled not the meeting after. So he would still have this coming Tuesday.
You have my sympathy.
I'm off to church this morning, it's also a "special" Mothers Day service.Lots of fun with the Sunday school doing a little turn etc... Cakes, sweets and coffee/tea after. I never realized I could have so much fun being a Christian!!!!
I think if you dread worshipping God, in the way the jw's do, then there's no point doing it.
Sorry to be so blunt but it's for your own good.