Whether or not you realize it [ many of you do ], words have power. Think of the power of the human voice. Think of a beautiful song, or a symphony. Think of being at a concert, the bass hits you, if feels fantastic! Ever go clubbing?? The music can really energize you! You don't need any drugs to feel alive! Words and music/sound is extremely powerful. It can also be harmful.
Have you ever had someone hurt you with words? It can be the worst. Just a slightly different inflection can turn a "compliment" into an insult. We call those back-handed compliments. A master can really degrade you with words. Well, the WTBTS are masters at word-play. We all know it. Still, there is more.
The latest changes in their songbook took the Organizations music from inspiring, [ come on, we all liked the older songs before we knew TTATT] to dismal soul-sucking dirges. Seriously, they suck the life out of you...literally. Music is very powerful. Sound is energy in another form. You can use one form of energy to make sound, and you can convert ambient sound to energy. Not to sound new age, but sound in a vibrating energy source that affects all human beings. If it did not affect you, then music would not alter your moods. A happy song would not make you feel better unless sound had power.
I have found that if you must attend the meetings, then DO NOT SING. I know it sounds strange, but it has really been helping me. If you are like me, you can barely sing the words. Your mind is numbed while you try. It's a very heavy feeling. Well, that's because cults use music to prepare your mind for brainwashing. Ever notice how the WTBTS coordinates all their songs with the given indoctrination of the week? If it's a WT Lesson about the GB, then you sing songs extolling the Great 8!! Er, ummm, the Magnificent 7.. sorry Guy.. Hey, that's how it is! It's all coordinated and planned because the music soften up your brain. It get's the ol' subconscious ready for a good raping.
Here is what I have been doing. The Music is so sh***y and the singing is so bad that I just mouth the words. Nobody knows the difference. Just like I don't really say "AMEN", I don't really sing. When your own body isn't vibrating at the horrible JW frequency, you just feel better. The meetings are far less painful. If you practice, you can mouth the words and think about whatever you want! You can think about Golf, boobies, punching an Elder, whatever, your grocery list. Your mind will be spared from that aspect of the brainwashing because you are not purposely attempting to join the cacophony of doom, and your body is not vibrating at the same zombie-like frequency. I know it sounds weird, but try it! Seriously, just open your mouth and make the shapes, just don't make any noise. Nobody will know and you will be doing yourself a huge favor!!
Power to the people!!!